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Jeremy Vanschoonhoven On America's Got Talent


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, he just performed a few moments ago.

It started out by showing him fall badly in rehearsals, he ended up in hospital with minor injuries. It seemed to me either his hand slipped off his bars after landing the big drop, or something actually broke.

His performance started out very shaky, making two mistakes on a couple of benches which were back to back, the first was just him 'dabbing' but the second was much more obvious.

I thought at this point he'd be screwed however he climbed up the props pretty high and did a big drop and ended it well.

The judges were all impressed especially Sharon who said 'Evil Kenevil had nothing on him'.

He then said he had to have stitches in his elbow and can barely walk because of the injuries from rehearsals.

I'll post the vid when it becomes available online tomorrow!

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I think you've been desensitized to it from riding / viewing trials for so many years. I was thinking about it last night, its a regular person who's never head of trials going to think it's sketchy?

Here's the vid from last night:


Can anyone explain to me what went wrong in rehearsals?

Edited by JT!
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I'm sorry to say but I still really underwhelmed :(. Good on him for getting so far of course and I hope he wins but I find it hard to believe of all the other talents out there the American public are going for this. I guess there is the element of Jeremy himself being a very down to earth, normal kid who just wants the best for his family, rather than the usual American: 'Woooo! Yeahhh! Man I am the greatest! Y'all should vote for me 'cos I am da bomb!' type arrogance.

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I thought that he has come a long way, but by comparison to other trials displays it's not really the highest level of performance there is. But then i am watching with tainted eyes as i've seen how extremely well balanced and how big some people can go when riding.

I think as a person he is remarkably likeable as well, and as far as an overall show/person I can see why he's getting so far. It's certainly not solely on the riding.

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How's that good news Joe?

He was shit..and is a disgrace to trials lol!!

Sob story blah blah quit his job, gave up everything!! Bad Move lol.

Yer its great for trials, all the publicity and im sure he will get something out of it so not the end of it for him...but my god that guy is an absolute spoon.

When you watch someone do something you love..something that is your passion..is pretty much your life..and you cringe when you watch them..you know thats a bad sign.

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let me clear that up..

being a rider..he is a disgrace..because hes poo..literally terrible..

but him riding on the show..is good for the sport..but even so..im sure people will refer to him as the guy on a bmx!!

And..btw, why are you so behind the guy??? i know youve lived in america for some time now..but i didnt think you had the stupid brain of an american.

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How is he terrible, in any sense of the word? I mean it's not like he can do a line 20 times and then use the best one in front of the judges - which is what we see in most trials videos. I doubt anyone else could have done any better. Hell he was going gaps and a huge drop blindfolded!!!

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