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finally got a bike. spent tonight just getting comfortable on it. doing small hops, endo's and trying to balance.

but where do i start to learn trials?

what should i start learing first

im guessing i need to learn to balance on the back wheel but its not as easy as it looks so any tips?

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trick learning site-trashzen.

The above link, click on it, and at the left there is some things like basics,bunnyhops,backhops etc.

Choose what trick you want to learn, and keep practising doing what they tell you to.

Learn balance first mate, once you got good balance, trials is slightly easier.

Hope i have helped you out, and have fun riding your new bike!

Edit: Start at the basics section on the site, and work your way down, best thing to do (Y)


Edited by modifiedridah2k9
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Edit: Start at the basics section on the site, and work your way down, best thing to do (Y)


lol i know thats the best way to do it but i probaly wont lol. wanna learn everything straight away

the one i can see me struggling with is balancing on the back wheel.

cant quite get the balance right. either lean to far back or dont lift it high enough

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Well you aren't going to learn then.

Practice one thing until you get half decent at it, and then try something else........ and then practice some more.

He's right.

Balance on the back wheel is made easier and funner to learn by doing hops on the back wheel (backhops) by lifting the bike onto the back wheel as high as possible, keeping both brakes on and jumping up and down to hop.

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