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Dubstep Fans/producers Please.


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I've not produced anything in aaaages, but finally got some inspiration last night.

God knows where from, I'm just thankfull I did :)

I've never done any dubstep before - I think it's dubstep anyway. Just wondered what you guys would advise doing to make any better/if you like it or not.

I know I do :) Never seem to be happy with anything I've made - but I am with this.

Thanks :-

Also - if anyone wants to shed light on how to make longer pieces of music without mindless repetition, please feel free :P

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I lol'd. :P

Not enough of a meaty bassline line to be ordinary dubstep IMO, but it's pretty close to some of the more DnB influenced stuff I have.

I love Dubstep so much, got an idea for a track I want to make, but having never made a track before I doubt it'll really work....

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Liking that. It almost seems like the transition into the crazier section is too sudden though, it needs something small to give away what's about to happen, or at least the timing of when it's going to happen. For me this sort of musics all about the build up and anticipation before the impact, without any idea of what's coming up it's just a surprise, rather than a climax.

(PS, I'm no expert, but that's what I'd be looking at changing anyway, if done right it could also add some length to the track)

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I think my sub was noticeable like twice. :P Generally i prefer the slower paced dubstep stuff with the really heavy basslines.

Something like these two...

Think the effects of the blocks clicking into place made this first one a little interesting and not quite as repetetive. Although i think with a song this well known it's going to be somewhat repetetive regardless of whats done to it save for absolutely mutilating the theme tune.

Second one has nice low end that makes it very dubby. In fact, the second one has such a low section around 1.30 that the cupboard under the stairs pinged open.


EDIT: Actually, after turning it up a bit louder, the low end on yours got the sub moving a bit. Its not what i'm used to hearing, so it was original, but i'm on the fence with it i guess.

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And me

Trials forum remix comp/ collab :P

You can't recieve new PM's. Anyone else who wants it - feel free. It's not as if I can stop you, either way :P


Assuming Rainbird's already downloaded it, only 9 more people can before the link goes dead.

If it goes dead and you want it, PM me ;)

If you were even half serious about a collaborative effort - I'm in. I never have motivation, and can never make bits in to full songs :P

If not, just have some fun with it :lol:

Edit: Also - I tried sticking a whacking great wub wub machine over it, and couldn't make it sound right, so left it without.

Edited by aener
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You can't recieve new PM's. Anyone else who wants it - feel free. It's not as if I can stop you, either way :P


Assuming Rainbird's already downloaded it, only 9 more people can before the link goes dead.

If it goes dead and you want it, PM me ;)

If you were even half serious about a collaborative effort - I'm in. I never have motivation, and can never make bits in to full songs :P

If not, just have some fun with it :lol:

Edit: Also - I tried sticking a whacking great wub wub machine over it, and couldn't make it sound right, so left it without.

Hehe I got it

and yeah my inbox was full - Fail

lets have a look now then :)

Ask Alexxrodgers, i think he does dubstep and he makes pretty awesome songs.

He uses FL Not Reason

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