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Tartybikes Product - I Lol'd


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Beautiful. I probably wouldn't do that for £7 as its a waste of your time - i think i'd rather just paint my inspired burgundy to match - something i've always fancied doing. Or wait a minute.....here's something. How nice would burgundy forks look on a white inspired....pretty damn good i think.

Zoo Pitblull forks are powder-coated aren't they...not anodized? It's a strange finish and can't remember off the top of my head. Time to get some nitromors.

Thanks again.

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Yeah, after stripping it it felt like it needed a colour. Vauxhall Satin Red, got a pearlescent finish. Looks weird as hell, but it's coolness is directly proportional to it's weirdness.



That is stunning. I'm definitely going to get painting. Did you get it powder coated or is that just through spray paint and good finishing? If so it fills me with some optimism that i'm not going to give my bike a rubbish look if i have a go myself.

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Tied it up to a barrel and a pallet stack in the warehouse so it was suspended in mid air, then just rattle-canned it. Reasonable finish on it too. Didn't laquer it, but did about 6 coats in total (2 cans worth).

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Good stuff - thats what i'll be getting on with then. I may lacquer mine. Did you nitromors the previous (or original paintwork the first time) then just sand the frame a little - then primer it?

I reckon either matching or white forks on that would look beautiful - the black is a touch dull.

I just need to think of a colour that will compliment red hubs now......

Thanks again.

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I had nitromorsed it before, and then before spraying it I just wet-and-dried it a little to rough it up. Didn't do too much, but 'cos I just did thin coats to begin with it worked out alright. I wanted a sort of 'deep' finish on it so I didn't primer it, knowing that the pearlescent finish would sorta work out looking nicer that way. Laquer would help too, though... When it's raining next and I'm not busy I'll probably go over it.

Had thought of doing bar and forks too, but I just end up scratching the shit out of my bars and forks all the time so there didn't seem to be much point :P

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