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Brakeless Trials Queries


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Heyup, suppose this is aimed at the Tarty boys more than anything... :P

I've been playing on my Cheat Code brakeless and I loves it, but I need a new seat for it, all the new ones on tarty are a bit expensive for this bike really, it's cost me less than £100 to build so far, and I'm going to downgrade the front wheel because it's too nice for it, so the full build will have cost around £80. Looking for something second hand ideally if anyone has anything?

Also, just wondering how this geo stacks up to the Inspireds and other seaty brakeless things? 398 chainstays, 1052 wheelbase, -30 bb. It's a 26" by the way in case that changes anything?

At the moment it has an Echo hifi stem with Monty PR bars, it feels good to me. Stem could do with being 20mm shorter but I can't be bothered changing it. :P

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Did you mean to put +30, or is this thing seriously old school?

No I did not. It's a 2003 Koxx Cheat Code, and when they were new they were pretty rubbish, which is why you never see any. However, it was £28 on ebay, including postage, a BB and a set of cranks. :)

If the geo feels good to you, surely it doesn't matter how it stacks up to an inspired? The skills in the rider, not the bike.

Well IMO it's about both, and seeing as the rider doesn't have many skills, the bike matters a lot. I'm not going to change it anyway, just interested. :P

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Also, just wondering how this geo stacks up to the Inspireds and other seaty brakeless things? 398 chainstays, 1052 wheelbase, -30 bb. It's a 26" by the way in case that changes anything?

Much longer stays (by about 13mm), much longer WB (15-20mm), and much lower BB (65mm difference between that and an Inspired, although it's only 40mm off an Inspired's geometry relative to a 26" bike, if that makes sense?). It basically means it'll be more stable in a straight line which isn't really ideal for a streety bike in that it means that it's not going to be as good for spins or other sorts of tricks. I'd imagine either the head angle's going to be pretty slack too, or it'll have a relatively long reach.

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I have a wee BMX saddle if you want it? An odyssey Jr. black. Stick me a PM.

Btw, I will nab that frame off your hands if you feel the need to helpa brutha out. :P

I have remembered pal, you'll be the first I PM if I ever decide to get rid. :P

Much longer stays (by about 13mm), much longer WB (15-20mm), and much lower BB (65mm difference between that and an Inspired, although it's only 40mm off an Inspired's geometry relative to a 26" bike, if that makes sense?). It basically means it'll be more stable in a straight line which isn't really ideal for a streety bike in that it means that it's not going to be as good for spins or other sorts of tricks. I'd imagine either the head angle's going to be pretty slack too, or it'll have a relatively long reach.

Interesting. Cheers Mark, feels nice and stable upto about 15mph, then it gets very very twitchy... (tried a spot of dirt jumping the other day, scary stuff).

Backhopping is impossible on it, and I can backhop brakeless a bit, I tried my Kot MS2 brakeless once, but on this it's impossible. Not bothered about that though really, I want to get away from all that hopping business really. :P

It's actually pretty easy to spin round, but I think it would benefit from a shorter stem. From looking at it I'd say the head angle is around 70ish, doesn't feel particularly slack to me anyway.

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I guess it sort of depends what you're doing, really. For spins, shorter chainstays are significantly better, hence BMXs now coming with pretty damn short stays. Equally, if you start doing more G-turns and pivots and the like brakeless you'll find a steeper head angle's a lot better. I guess if you're just using it as a cheap basher bike then it'll be fine...

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Aye it's just to play on, there's no way I'll be spending £300 on frames any more. :lol:

Trials is too expensive for me these days, when I think of how much I used to drop on bikes without blinking it just seems daft now. This will mainly used for following my mates round, watching them do good stuff and then just bunnyhopping up curbs.

In other news, just pulled something in my back really rather badly, it's just above the base of my ribs? It's not crippling, just hurts to breath... Not ridden in about 8 months regularly, and suddenly for the last few days I've ridden for a few hours a day. Something was bound to go wrong. :P

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Those meaty stays and subterranean BB height probably aren't going to help, haha.

For £28 for the frame, bb and cranks, I can't really complain. :P

Back is a bit better now anyway, it'll be reet by tommorrow. Felt like a muscle spasm more than a pullage, which is probably just lack of use.

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Geo only holds you back if you don't have the power, or the technique to pull it around. Obvoiusly is doesn't mean anyones going to ride a baby Python as well as a bmx in a skatepark but its all relative.

Just take it out and enjoy smashing the shit out of it.

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I'm quite happy with £28 really. I've known people who have had to buy modern bikes costing upto £2k to get their bad backs.

Feels like it might be alright now, just a bit sore. Might pop out for a bit this evening just to check it.

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