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What's Your Ocd?


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What like eat each piece of food in a certain order or having them same lunch each day?

to be honest i dont even know why i want to know this haha :giggle:

Only really do this at work. Eat my sandwhich first. Then my pear, then crackers, then my apple. Everthing in a certin way.

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Kinda on the lights note, in our house we've got loads of lights that are operated by 2 seperate switches (one at top of stairs, one of bottom for example). This means that the switches aren't always the same way, so sometimes the light will be on when technically the top switch is in the 'off' position (cos it's been turned on by the bottom switch). I like having them both operating to the standard way of switching, but then again I'm too lazy to actually run up and down the stairs doing anything about it, I'd just prefer it if it worked out.

one i have that isnt mentioned.....i dont know what is but anyway,

if im walking along the road and i hear a car coming from behind i pick a spot ahead of me (eg - lampost or tree etc) and then i say in my head something like 'if i get past the tree before the car does then ill be a millionaire/or be happy etc haha. i make something up in that split second so its usally some weird shit. But if the car or whatever does beat me i make up an excuse in my head haha, or ill walk that little bit faster as i hear it getting closer (i never look to see how far away it is)

sort of applies with people walking towards me, i pick a point in the middle and sort of race them to it, with the added thing of making something up so it has added hype.

I do this but with a bit of a twist. It's basically a game I developed when I was younger where if a car goes past on the road, you have to be behind something (eg: lamp post, car) so that it can't 'shoot' you. However, somewhere along the line I got bored of always losing so I started instead imagining that parked cars, lamp posts etc are sentry guns, and you want to try and be behind them when a car goes past so that you can shoot the car. This means you can never lose the game, only miss the opportunity to shoot cars :ermm:

Long story short, I still do it. Usually only casually but I've definitely been spotted making wierd little dashes for cover by a fair few pedestrians. I especially have fun with it when I'm lean walking to the shops, I must look a right state :lol:

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That brought back a memory of what I used to do when we went on holiday as a child to france, if there was rain on the windscreen I would focus on one drop, on specific one, and I would use that drop to bounce on top of houses, and go around lampost outlines, by moving my head as it moves tjhe perspective of the rain drop. In fact I did it a few months ago and my mum thought I was a right weirdo. Just told her I was stretching my neck to hide my shameful game.

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I do this but with a bit of a twist. It's basically a game I developed when I was younger where if a car goes past on the road, you have to be behind something (eg: lamp post, car) so that it can't 'shoot' you. However, somewhere along the line I got bored of always losing so I started instead imagining that parked cars, lamp posts etc are sentry guns, and you want to try and be behind them when a car goes past so that you can shoot the car. This means you can never lose the game, only miss the opportunity to shoot cars :ermm:

Long story short, I still do it. Usually only casually but I've definitely been spotted making wierd little dashes for cover by a fair few pedestrians. I especially have fun with it when I'm lean walking to the shops, I must look a right state :lol:

i do that too!!! haha, i did it the other night, followed by the thought of 'adam, you are 23, wtf are you doing?' lmao

another i thought of which im sure is quite common, when a phone rings (like the house phone) i dont pick it up during the tone i wait until its between a tone.

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if i get past the tree before the car does then ill be happy'

This means you can never lose the game, only miss the opportunity to shoot cars :ermm:


EDIT: OH i almost forgot my weirdest one. Whenever someone is walking past me if i dont like the look of them i have to hold my breathe and count to 15 before i can breathe again :S

I always hold my breath when I walk past someone who's smoking, but I suppose it's not actually OCD...

And we have this kind of knife block, with a different size hole for each knife, and my Mum/Dad always put the last two knives in the wrong way round, if I'm in the kitchen and I go near the knife block I have to check and swap them if they're in the wrong ones.

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one i have that isnt mentioned.....i dont know what is but anyway,

if im walking along the road and i hear a car coming from behind i pick a spot ahead of me (eg - lampost or tree etc) and then i say in my head something like 'if i get past the tree before the car does then ill be a millionaire/or be happy etc haha. i make something up in that split second so its usally some weird shit. But if the car or whatever does beat me i make up an excuse in my head haha, or ill walk that little bit faster as i hear it getting closer (i never look to see how far away it is)

sort of applies with people walking towards me, i pick a point in the middle and sort of race them to it, with the added thing of making something up so it has added hype.

FML!.........i just read that back.


i bet atleast one of you is going to try it next time you are walking somewhere, passes the time by anyway...... :-

I do the same thing I get bored when walking so i've got to race people/cars

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Similar to checking if the door's locked, I also check before I leave and often mid journey to see if I have the Key Three items in my pockets. Wallet-Phone-Keys is the mantra, repeated whilst tapping the items in my pockets, although I generally tap my phone and wallet whilst calling them the other. Phone and wallet go in my left pocket, keys in my right pocket. I don't like to not be able to feel my keys, part of the reason my full bunch of keys is fairly sizeable.

Thats what I do too throughout the day always checking I haven't lost anything.

I used to hate it a school when the teacher used to leave abit of chalk on the bord after rubbing it out!

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All your replies keep triggering off my underlying ones, like the one above, in primary and high school, if a teacher rubbed the white board and missed one tiny little bit it would annoy me and I couldn't concentrate on the lesson until that part was either written over or rubbed out. Haha

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Another one, as a child (year 3 or 4) at school, I couldn't go out of the house without having exactly matching socks on. They were all black but some had patterns at the top, like embroided stripes and patterns. They HAD to match or I wouldn't go to school. They had to be comfy aswell, and not inside out. Weird kid.

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Balancing on the edge of the curb as well and walking the whole road like that as well :lol: Basically I just find walking boring so I'm always doing stupid shit to spice it up.

Yea, I did that when I walked down the road to my primary school and have never stopped. And talking about spicing it up, anyone else take leafs and gradually rip them up as you walk? I give myselfs targets like to a lampost where I have to drop the last piece and I have to rip it up an odd number of times.

I really hate even numbers.

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Yea, I did that when I walked down the road to my primary school and have never stopped. And talking about spicing it up, anyone else take leafs and gradually rip them up as you walk? I give myselfs targets like to a lampost where I have to drop the last piece and I have to rip it up an odd number of times.

I really hate even numbers.

Ha yep, I tell myself I have to tear it up into a certain number of pieces. It's not really OCD though, we're just talking weird things now :P

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Thats what I do too throughout the day always checking I haven't lost anything.

I used to hate it a school when the teacher used to leave abit of chalk on the bord after rubbing it out!

This used to fustrate me so much when i was in school.

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Correcting people when they say things wrong, especially the people who i went to school with who wanted a pen from me.

They said "can I lend a pen".

So they never got the pen until they said "Can a borrow a pen". tongue.gif

Next thing really bugs me,

Quite frankly I didn't give 2 f**ks about greenday but its my bithday in September and they wanted to wake up when it ends blink.gifblink.gifblink.gif, don't know why but it really annoyed me, not so bad anymore, that's when i was like 12. I remember i used to shout starts every time it was about to say ends tongue.gif

Edited by Jamie_Trials
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If I walk along and scuff my shoe on the ground, I have to do it on the other one, and has to be in the same position and the same pressure.

Also if a computers screen resolution is stupidly big, I have to make it the best one possible, no matter how long Im on it.

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