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Another one from me, when my parents are on the computer the MSN box pops up on the taskbar bright orange because they haven't opened it yet. I couldn't browse the internet knowing this orange box is at the bottom. I always dive in and close the box when they are on the pc

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Yes! Different amounts of steps on differently coloured/paved/surfaced bits of pavement?!

I do that, but I don't always do it, but it's annoying when I remember and am trying to ignore it.

It's also annoying to remember things such as making my ears ring, manual breathing and the game.

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My flat mate is a nightmare. Odd numbers aren't allowed in anything, volume, food (like even number of chips), she even hates it when theres an odd number of people in the room. She cant do one thing without doing the opposite, like touching something with one hand has to be touched with the other. She also has a little phrase she has to say after she does something.

Only thing I can think of is I have to have the door shut of the room im in.

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Only thing I can think of is I have to have the door shut of the room im in.

Same. I hate it when the window is open which opens and closes the door ever so slightly against the door jar creating a slight knocking sound. It happens on a night upstairs so I have to get up and close every single door, arghh it frustrates me thinking about it! :sick:

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When I spread anything on bread it has to be 100% smooth and cover the whole surface right to the edges. That's mainly why I don't use butter on toast, it's impossible to spread evenly. The only exception is Marmite which seems to taste better with butter and when everything is spread carelessly.

Also air vents in the car - all need to be at the same angle.

edit: oh and doors to my room have to be closed at all times.

Edited by Greetings
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I have a thing about odd numbers, I really hate even ones, especially 2. It's like the number 2 thinks it's great but it's not because it's an odd number.

When I'm walking I have to step an odd number of times on one surface, if a bit I'm walking ons been re-tarmaced I start again from one.

If I'm on the toilet (excreting) if I tap one foot I have to tap the other to make it equal, but that bothers me that one did it after so I have to do a final 'powerful' tap with both at exactly the same time.

When I'm going to sleep I start facing the left knowing that in ten minutes I'll turn to face the right but if I start facing the right I won't get to sleep. Got to start from the left.

There's some rambling...

You have problems :ermm:

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Capital letters!

When registering work I made my manager go back and amend my name on the tills because my first name did not have a capital T for "Tom", (you know the little bit that says; "You were served by <insert name here>"). Just pisses me off and looks so unprofessional.

On a night out, mega mega always do the pocket checks! Wallet and keys in my left front pocket, phone in my right pocket. Same goes for my motorbike jacket, I end up checking about 3 times if the front pockets are zipped up.

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Oh yeah, pockets! I have to have certain things in certain pockets.

Front-left: Phone and phone only.

Back-left: Keys and misc change.

Back-right: Wallet and notes only.

Front-right: Empty. Always empty.

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Similar to checking if the door's locked, I also check before I leave and often mid journey to see if I have the Key Three items in my pockets. Wallet-Phone-Keys is the mantra, repeated whilst tapping the items in my pockets, although I generally tap my phone and wallet whilst calling them the other. Phone and wallet go in my left pocket, keys in my right pocket. I don't like to not be able to feel my keys, part of the reason my full bunch of keys is fairly sizeable.

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one i have that isnt mentioned.....i dont know what is but anyway,

if im walking along the road and i hear a car coming from behind i pick a spot ahead of me (eg - lampost or tree etc) and then i say in my head something like 'if i get past the tree before the car does then ill be a millionaire/or be happy etc haha. i make something up in that split second so its usally some weird shit. But if the car or whatever does beat me i make up an excuse in my head haha, or ill walk that little bit faster as i hear it getting closer (i never look to see how far away it is)

sort of applies with people walking towards me, i pick a point in the middle and sort of race them to it, with the added thing of making something up so it has added hype.

FML!.........i just read that back.


i bet atleast one of you is going to try it next time you are walking somewhere, passes the time by anyway...... :-

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I think about it.

That makes no sense. :blink:

My peeve is people who can't properly park their own car. I'll see them driving around through the parking lot and they end up with half their rear end over the line, etc.

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I HAVE to have the volume in my car either ending in 5 or a 0.

HAVE to have all my tools layed out in the same place, put them back when used. same thing at work is I have to sweep the floor before I start a job.

Im the same with the light switch thing.

I have one for my phone, (iphone) if I have app updates I will get them off as it looks unclean

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one i have that isnt mentioned.....i dont know what is but anyway,

if im walking along the road and i hear a car coming from behind i pick a spot ahead of me (eg - lampost or tree etc) and then i say in my head something like 'if i get past the tree before the car does then ill be a millionaire/or be happy etc haha. i make something up in that split second so its usally some weird shit. But if the car or whatever does beat me i make up an excuse in my head haha, or ill walk that little bit faster as i hear it getting closer (i never look to see how far away it is)

sort of applies with people walking towards me, i pick a point in the middle and sort of race them to it, with the added thing of making something up so it has added hype.

FML!.........i just read that back.


i bet atleast one of you is going to try it next time you are walking somewhere, passes the time by anyway...... :-

I do this all the time aswell as the excuse part.

Also i can only have three internet tabs open at anyone time if there are more than three things open i cant concentrate on what im doing and have to decide which of the extra tabs are the least important to me before shutting them down.

EDIT: OH i almost forgot my weirdest one. Whenever someone is walking past me if i dont like the look of them i have to hold my breathe and count to 15 before i can breathe again :S

Edited by Andrew C
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I have to eat my lunch in the same way everyday. Have been for the past 2 years.

What like eat each piece of food in a certain order or having them same lunch each day?

to be honest i dont even know why i want to know this haha :giggle:

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