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I Hate Chav's

stunt man t

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when i was riding home from work the other night, i stoped at the shop to pick up some fags, and left my trials bike outside..

i was only 2 mins so i thought it would be ok, but as i opened the shop door i saw a young chav picking up my bike and trying to ride off on it :o

i droped my bag and chased the little f**ker down the street, he droped the bike and ran, i stoped chasing him incase some else tried to take it

i havnt seen him since but when i do hes dead!!


just made me wonder if anyone else on the forum has had a simular experience? (or are you much clever then me and not leave it unlocked in one of the roughest areas in nottingham) :P

what winds me up the most is that if they did get the bike they wouldnt even use it as its ment for and i wouldnt have a trials bike :(


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I was thinking about this same type of situation yesterday. It seems like it could be quite a funny scenario if someone tried to ride off on a bike with such low gearing. A quick chase and a tackle could make things interesting.

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always keep an eye on your bike mate, it's the rule number one

what you did is the best way to have your bike stolen...

it happens to me a few years back...someone stole my super sweet xc bike... I was so sad about it

glad you still have your bike :)

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  On 7/3/2010 at 9:41 AM, kevlarorc said:

I was thinking about this same type of situation yesterday. It seems like it could be quite a funny scenario if someone tried to ride off on a bike with such low gearing. A quick chase and a tackle could make things interesting.

i think thats why he droped it and ran ;) plus i think a trials bike is hard to get used to if youre not used to it, the position of bars, high bb rise, low gear ratio etc

  On 7/3/2010 at 9:42 AM, chimpanzyyyy said:

glad you still have your bike :)

me 2 :)

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  On 7/3/2010 at 9:53 AM, Rob. said:

I always take my bike into shops where i go , must be wrong in head to leave them outside especially when you put so much time and money into them.

it was only a little corner shop the bike wouldnt fit in the door :lol:

unfortunatly, we learn from our mistakes ;)

Edited by stunt man t
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I'm lucky enough to live in a quiet area where all the chavs are fannies, so it doesn't matter as much when I do it.

One tip I'd recommend is to leave your bike upside down, it will buy you a couple of seconds as whoever tries to steal it will fumble with the bike ;)

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it seems like every chav is scum. they all ask for a go and i just dont let them. if you say they cant have a go they would start kicking off with you because they are solid with there mates, never talk when there on there own.

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Don't really get this problem where I live as if there are ever any chavs, they're about 10 years old and are just cocky in words rather than actions.

I like the idea of turning your bike upside down though, sounds so simple but very effective. :)

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My mate used to slip the chain off the front ring so if someone tried to steal it they'd jump on, try and pedal and then just fall flat on their face (prob with a shin dig aswell) ha ha.

That'll teach the thieving little f**ks!

Personally i just never leave my bike outside a shop if i'm on my own. If you can't afford to replace it then just don't risk it!

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+1 for not leaving it outside.

It takes a split second to steal, so why risk it?

The chain slightly off the front chain ring sounds awesome though, I'd love to leave mine like it then camp across the street with a camcorder and catch it on film haha

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  On 7/3/2010 at 1:35 PM, super said:

My mate used to slip the chain off the front ring so if someone tried to steal it they'd jump on, try and pedal and then just fall flat on their face (prob with a shin dig aswell) ha ha.

That'll teach the thieving little f**ks!

  On 7/3/2010 at 1:59 PM, LukasMcNeal said:
e.g if you have a bb7 or similar adjust it all the way in so it locks the wheel, then the cant ride it away!

Sorted that's what i'll be doing from now on.

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Or another way to stop people stealing it, or making them fall and hurt them selves is loosen your quick release (if you have one), loosen it all the way, so if somebody tries to steal it, your wheel falls off and well, so do they :P

Your probably thinking "my forks will get damaged if they fall, they will probably crack" - its better to have a broken bike than no bike at all, right? just save up/earn some money and buy cheap new forks untill you get money for some proper good ones, or get it welded. :)

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All great methods, but why not just buy a nice little lock with a code which you can just fit in your backpack, and never have to worry about losing keys! Much easyer than having to piss around with your chain or adjusting your brakes, just wack it up to the pole click it in place and go. (Y)

but however some of those methods are bloody funny :)

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  On 7/3/2010 at 5:25 PM, modifiedridah2k9 said:

Or another way to stop people stealing it, or making them fall and hurt them selves is loosen your quick release (if you have one), loosen it all the way, so if somebody tries to steal it, your wheel falls off and well, so do they :P

Your probably thinking "my forks will get damaged if they fall, they will probably crack" - its better to have a broken bike than no bike at all, right? just save up/earn some money and buy cheap new forks untill you get money for some proper good ones, or get it welded. :)

Are you a tard? A wheel wont just fall off for example if you run a maggy the tyre wouldnt pass through and for the front wheel to fall off the frame and forks would have to be pretty much wheelied whilst riding which when people nick a bike they dont wheelie it home do they?

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I personally always take my bike inside reguardless....as for loosening your wheel and turning the bike upside down...if youre going to do that, why not just take the wheel inside too?! (chain off the chainring too for extra effectiveness)

though a note to those who maybe arent as aware....the stealing of alot of things is often more thought out than you may imagine (they can be smart little tards at times). Routine parking your bike in a certain area, certain time etc etc...they notice these things

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  On 7/3/2010 at 1:35 PM, super said:

My mate used to slip the chain off the front ring so if someone tried to steal it they'd jump on, try and pedal and then just fall flat on their face (prob with a shin dig aswell) ha ha.

That'll teach the thieving little f**ks!

Personally i just never leave my bike outside a shop if i'm on my own. If you can't afford to replace it then just don't risk it!

Wouldnt you need a really loose chain?

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  On 7/3/2010 at 6:18 PM, clayt said:

All great methods, but why not just buy a nice little lock with a code which you can just fit in your backpack, and never have to worry about losing keys! Much easyer than having to piss around with your chain or adjusting your brakes, just wack it up to the pole click it in place and go. (Y)

but however some of those methods are bloody funny :)

.... Did anyone not think of this before??!!!

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  On 7/3/2010 at 10:50 PM, Sam Moss said:

i guess thats just the world we live in

Unfortunately that's the moral of this, we live in a world where everyone lives for themselves and doesn't care for anyone else.

I never ever leave my bike outside a shop ever, I don't even lock it up and leave it, I just don't trust the general scummy public (not that all of them are bad, just.. a fair few).

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