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Chat Up Lines


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right as i have witnessed over the years on this forum, there are some cheesy bastards floating about haha.

i was told 2 chat up lines the other day which one is actually good and seems to work, whilst the other is just hilarious!

post yours up with pictures of actions (like demonstrated by me) if required.

mine!.....the one that works.

you: hi, where are you from?!

her: (example) sheffield

you: oh! i heard girls from sheffield are awful at kissing!

....some girls will want to prove you wrong!

the hilarious one! (which could actually work as its so funny and crap)

you: excuse me! do you know where the nearest vets is?

her: no. why?

you: cos these swans are SICK!....(whilst striking this pose!....well sort of, the hands should be pointing outwards to make it look more like a swan)


Edited by arw_86
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  On 6/24/2010 at 10:14 PM, Mowgli said:

morning after question;

Me - You dont have aids do you?

Her - No, why?

Me - Its cool, i just didnt want to catch it twice.

Havent actually tried it yet.

i done a smimilar thing once, just rolled over and said, "best go get checked out now eh, u dirty whore", and she laffed! LOL! and then we do it again! lol!!

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A couple, got a barage of them in my head lol but cbb to write them out, cheer and ill give you some more lol

"Me and you are going to have sex tonight, do you know why?"

"Because I'm stronger than you are"


"I f**king hate mornings"

"Fancy coming to cheer me up tommorow?"

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I havent tried this one yet but it goes like this:

- Walking down a street when you see a girl coming towards you get out your mobile and pretend to talk to someone

- when she gets close hold out your hand and ask her to stop

- Then finish the conversation on the phone with "so it's ok then? great byeee"

- after that say to the girl "My mum says it's ok for you to come home with me"

if your good enough at acting and make it look good I rekon it would work.

This next one I did the other night and it worked I put it in the happy thread:

"I've got a small willy and I'm rubbish in bed but I think you should give me a chance"

Another one that worked for me not too long ago isn't really a chat up line but it is unusual basically in the club I walked up to a girl and just did a rolley polley (spelling?) right in front of her then just started talking as if nothing had happend. My back really hurt the next day though.

A similar one to that I ran across the dance floor and slid a few meters on my knees with my hands out in front of two girls, that didn't work though.

"My friends think I would be really good for you"

Can't think of anymore.

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