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Cracked Zoo Forks


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so my zoo forks finally gave in tonight with a nice crack across the magura mount and the fork leg,

really want some trialtechs next so was wondering if they suffer from the same issues ? any one cacked any in the same way?

its the stock ones by the way and im also using the neon v adapters with an avid v brake , and im assuming the extra length of the adapters puts more stress on the mounts, if they were to break the same way would using the adapters void and warranty?


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i think thats what everyone is saying about the trialtechs, but i have also heard everyone saying how strong the urbans are, and with a proper v mount i would imagine that area will be stronger due to the dedicated mount.

also they are only 85 quid

urbans are my next move once my kots give up

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People have cracked the 4 bolt trialtechs - But they're about the best of the bunch I'd say.

what would you use ....? trialtech 4 bolts with adapters or v specific urbans ? take into account im 18 stone and love front wheel gaps lol

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think im going to have a good think about this , when i bought the zoos from tartys i asked what was stronger , the urbans or zoo's and was told the zoo's so paid there and then ....

they have lasted a good 8 months , the last 3 months really taking a hammering though.

id never heard of any trilatechs cracking until now , so just going to mull it over , but please keep your recommendations coming in...ill keep checking back :rolleyes:

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If you're hard on forks, then Deng forks from the last few years have all been pretty rubbish. I've broken numerous sets of Urbans and Zoos, all lasting 6-8 weeks. I got 6 months out of my first set of trialtechs which cracked along the cable guide. Dave has removed that guide now and my 2nd set have lasted 8 months so far. In that time I've managed to snap 2 bottom headset cups and a set of bars... trialtech forks are bloody strong!

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