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Chekin Kon$Tantin- 666


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Music was shit.

Seriously, what was you thinking picking that track.

Could of be one of the biggest videos of the year, but i hate say this, you need to get someone else to edit it. :(

Riding was so, so big, so, so good, but the video was poor. :(

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Started watching this with the attitude that it's just another stupid TGS vid. But it's just so much better than anything I've ever seen :huh: This guy not only has power, but actually has style too. Damon seemed to be the king of TGS but this guy sure is going to give him a run for his money.

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  On 6/21/2010 at 11:38 AM, Greetings said:

Started watching this with the attitude that it's just another stupid TGS vid. But it's just so much better than anything I've ever seen :huh: This guy not only has power, but actually has style too. Damon seemed to be the king of TGS but this guy sure is going to give him a run for his money.

I still prefer Damon's style though!

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  On 6/21/2010 at 5:25 AM, mixmaker said:

That's because Konstantin rides very smoothly.

Probably no rider in the world rides that smooth.

His bike is pretty light.

You've just got to used to the fact, that riding big drop gaps requires heavy bike and hard style to kill rims and frames etc.

This guy shows you a new level of riding, those big moves could be done on light bike with single wall rims.

Come on mate, you could be smooth as hell, after such drop gaps and gaps, you would still weigh your weight, and you couldn't fight gravity: the bike would still take some damage from these moves!

And I don't find him that smooth!

But it's okay, he does what he wants!

Edited by Canardweb
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The guys good, very good, some stupidly big stuff in there so respect for that!!

But im going to agree with a few others here, firstly Marks right about the shock value, why release screenshots of the biggest move in the video prior to its release. But each to their own. Secondly the video really wasnt the beastest video i have ever seen and the music wasnt my taste.

Dont think his style is anything on Damons, he makes a meal of a lot of his landings and his sidehops dont look as comfortable. Dont get me wrong he's awesome but if you create a video and start all these claims about it being the beastiest video ever made then your gonna get some criticism.

One thing i think alot of people admire about Damon and his riding is becuase he is modest about it, hes not shouting im the best look at me. But there you go, my 2 cents :)

Not slating the guys riding though, hes a monster, but definitly not one of my fave's.

Bring on some more videos though by all means! (Y)


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  On 6/21/2010 at 5:25 AM, mixmaker said:

Probably no rider in the world rides that smooth. - except for every single comp rider and quite a lot of street riders.

This guy shows you a new level of riding - get your dick out of his arse, srzly. no he doesn't

Riding was very big and impressive but like Mark said, took all of the shock value out by posting up pictures of the biggest stuff.

music was awful and didn't fit his riding style, was too fast.

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  On 6/21/2010 at 3:53 PM, mr ailsbury said:

Riding was very big and impressive but like Mark said, took all of the shock value out by posting up pictures of the biggest stuff.

music was awful and didn't fit his riding style, was too fast.

you are envious he isn't from England:)

PLease, show us any video of king of TGS without fisheye, to show real moves - it needs to real compare.

I like Damon and Neil, but it's impossible to define reallity in their video.

Here you watched video without fisheye, so - imagine if it was filmed with your likes fisheye lens.

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how long is your toungue?

seem's too be fairly far up his ar*e.

come on you've posted a video up of him of witch were all happy with, however the fact you seem to defend everything just makes it worse, who care's what condition his bike's in? and who really give's a crap what rim's he use's?

I stand by my first comment- In realistic form should have gone, if you had'nt posted the pics of his video I feel it would have had a much more impact, The edit's not really that good up to the other top riders, and not just damon or neil theres more than just that so dont think theres only three good riders in the world.

I for one would love too see more from this lad but posting a video and just leaving it at that would be much better than getting shit on your lip's. :closedeyes:

EDIT: As apose to your latest comment...... who care's about the fisheye. good edit, good riding.OWNED

Edited by Seabasss
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Liked that, sent it on more than a few clips.

Happen to have a download link? I haven't any software to download from 'tube, and don't intend to either.

What was the music? Sounded like Arch Enemy, but with a slightly different voice.


Actually that definitely isn't Arch Enemy, i guess i was paying more attention to the riding.

Edited by eskimo
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  On 6/21/2010 at 4:31 PM, mixmaker said:

you are envious he isn't from England:)

PLease, show us any video of king of TGS without fisheye, to show real moves - it needs to real compare.

I like Damon and Neil, but it's impossible to define reallity in their video.

Here you watched video without fisheye, so - imagine if it was filmed with your likes fisheye lens.

No I f**king well aren't. Who gives a shit what country he's from.

A good video is most defiantly not a video which you can count the exact width/height of a wall. A good video is one where the camera man has thought properly about where to take his shots from and one that is edited well with some thought to fit the images with the sound track thats running over the top of it.

And what's the problem with fisheye? pretty much every single extreme sports video uses fisheye at some point or another. Maybe for the effect or maybe because they can stand closer in more condined spaces. Also, having a fisheye does not define how good a rider is. Its just a cameramans preferance as to whether they use one or not.

Edited by mr ailsbury
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Some insane riding there. Didn't really like the music, but thats just how it seems to be these days with these sorts of videos.

Some of the more technical lines in there were pretty good as well, but the big lines were just insane!

Seriously though, its gonna end badly soon. Someone WILL kill themselves trying to make an outrageous video like this. I'm not looking forward to that day.

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