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New To Trials!


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I have just started trials in the last few months and could do with some general pointers... like any balance ideas or... things to be practising and also i live around stockport and could do with a few good spots if anybody knows??


OnzaJorge!! :D

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My first tip would be to head over to the video section and watch as many videos as you can, very helpful for adjusting your technique and working out what you're doing wrong when riding, they also work as great inspiration for new tricks to try and learn.

Living in Stockport is quite handy as far as attending group rides go (see rides/locations section) as it won't cost you too much to get on the train and travel to some great riding locations such as stoke, birmingham, nottingham etc. Group rides are very good because you tend to pick things up quite fast being surrounded by other riders who can advise you/show you how to do certain things.


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I think that you should learn to balance before anything else (besides riding the bike!) becuase balance is the key to everything. Once you can track stand for 30 seconds to a minute then you should move on to tricks and practice moves like swinging the front or back round and backhopping. These moves will take time to learn but it will be worth it in the long run.

What bike do you have?

How long have you been riding for now?

If you need any help just send me a message or just reply to this :)

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For explanations, mini clips and a pretty good grounding in almost all moves...all set out in an easy to follow way


for another take on most moves - Mastering the art of trials with Ryan Leech, you can get the dvd or look up each individual move on youtube

this is the little video for the trackstand, looking down the side at other videos by sergitogt and you'll see alot of the other moves he covers

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Just get stuck on learing some balance stuff first, then move to two-wheels jumps: straight, then moving sides. It's even possible in some garage, not necessary to find a special spot.

After you're done (going to take to like a week or daily trainings), head out and start trying some tricks to feel more comfortable riding your bike. Then go for the rear wheel balance and gap a little. That's all the stuff you need to know about biketrials actually, the rest is coming itself out in like two-three months.

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well thanks for all the pointers... very helpful.

And i can balance really well because i also do trials on my motorbike... i can go i good 5mins before getting abit out of shape. :D erm... its more the technique of trials i am finding hard, i can hop around for 30-40 seconds or so on my back wheel but also find myself hopping backwards. Can't get the techniqoue to control where i am going on my back-end.

I have started to hop up walls and stuff but only 2-2 1/2 feet heigh or so.

Struggling to get better, have sort of hit a wall.

And i have an Onza Pro, but im having some problem with brakes (disk front and rear) and have some play in my front wheel bearings which keeps cropping up. Are Onza known for being a bit unreliable or is my technique taking its toll on my bike??

Please write back.

OnzaJorge ... :D

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