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Clim8 Crap Brrakes


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What brake fluid can i use for Clim8 6pot brakes and where can i get it?

Do they bleed in the same way you would bleed car brakes? or do i need a bleed kit?

And before everyone tells me to replace the brakes because they suck.... i already know this bit cant afford to replace them so im going to have to soldier on with them!!

Cheers guys

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I'm pretty sure these take DOT fluid. Seeing what the oil smells like is the easiest way to tell the difference between them. If you have DOT or mineral oil handy (Or know what they smell like), see which one the fluid in the brake smells like.

Bleeding will be the same as any other open system brake. Remove pads and put something solid between the pistons. Then bleed from the lowest point in the system to the highest point. If you don't have a bleed syringe, pour fluid into the lever reservoir, hold the caliper higher than the lever and use the lever to pump fluid through. Always close the bleed port before releasing the lever though (Otherwise gravity will make the oil run out through the lowest exit from the system).

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I'm pretty sure these take DOT fluid. Seeing what the oil smells like is the easiest way to tell the difference between them. If you have DOT or mineral oil handy (Or know what they smell like), see which one the fluid in the brake smells like.

Bleeding will be the same as any other open system brake. Remove pads and put something solid between the pistons. Then bleed from the lowest point in the system to the highest point. If you don't have a bleed syringe, pour fluid into the lever reservoir, hold the caliper higher than the lever and use the lever to pump fluid through. Always close the bleed port before releasing the lever though (Otherwise gravity will make the oil run out through the lowest exit from the system).

I think its LHM, but not hundred percent, but was wondering if this is the same as any other lhm fluid or if it is specific LHM fluid?

i can get LHM from work, but wasn't 100% sure if there was any variations of it or not

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LHM is mineral oil, so the same stuff as goes in Maguras and Shimano brakes. Each manufacturer claims their specific mineral oil is best, but there's not a lot between them from what I've seen, they mostly seem to start with the same oil and dye it different colours. DOT fluid is used in most other brakes, which is why the Climb8 ones are likely to be DOT, but I can't find a thing about them on the internet, so sniffing the fluid is the easiest way to check what's in there already. Alternatively you could try spreading the fluid on a painted surface - if the paint strips you've got DOT...

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