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Damon Watson - Oneminutenine

Damon W

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here comes a very random question.

at 29 seconds, that wall has featured in alot of your videos.......what is on the otherside of the wall? i have no idea why but always wondered, because you always hop off into the distance haha.

nice hoppy hop stuff by the way, standard

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I would just like to put this out to everyone! That drop gap on the red walls in sheffield is rediculous it really is f**king huge! Cant belive how easy damon made it look though! WTF!!!

And also that upto front in sheffield on the round wall, that too is above my shoulder hight and am touching 6ft

Awsome Damon....unreal !!

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Ok - now - first off ... that was obviously amazing... but I have a niggle.

In my honest opinion - you quite often put too much stuff in slow-mo.

Why oh WHY didn't that up-to-front-massive-skid-I-have-no-idea-how-you-managed-to-keep-it get slow-motioned? That's the ONE thing I wanted to see at low speeds :P

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