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Video: Who Likes Gaps Down To Front Wheel?


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It's not one that'll be in my bag of mad stunts any time soon.

What i meant was, other than looking comical and breaking forks, what are they good for? I can't imagine you'll get any further than you would with a standard static gap, and people i've ridden with who do like doing them just prove this point. Up to fronts, fair enough - you get higher, further, whatever, and to be fair they look awesome. Down to's just seem utterly pointless.

And you couldn't say that to every move, they're easily justified... ;)

Edited by Skoze
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  On 5/27/2010 at 2:33 PM, matthew_coggan said:

To be fair you could say that to every move. Just gives you a better range of moves im my oppinion.

Down to fronts are the trials equivalent of having a 12" cock but not being able to ever get it up, completely pointless and not nice to look at.

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  On 5/27/2010 at 10:41 AM, mwiggi said:

This forum always hads something to complain about... wear a helmet (I wear one now) ... dont drop to front ... blah blah blah

Pretty sure no-one's told you not to drop to front? Do it as much as you like - you just happened to imply it was awesome and a few people have told you that in their opinion, they aren't.

Loving your attitude. "WOW LOOK AT ME I'M AMAZING!" "Isn't riding all about showing how much better you are than everyone else?" Loose translations, but you sound like a complete knob jockey. Some/most of us ride *shock horror* for fun...

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  On 5/25/2010 at 6:42 PM, mwiggi said:

This gap is actually quite good to do to back wheel so going down to front is really impressive, well thats your decision to make anyway... Tell me what you thought. Pleae dont comment on the filming it wasnt me behind the camera.

I made it really well the first time but I said if I can make it once then i can do it again so I said not to film it till I did it once.

Also heres my other videos if your interested.

HD video by OGRE (teaser)

much much more to come... summer is coming.

I like it much , but there must ben a wheel swop:D

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People say it's a pointless move.. Aren't all trials moves pointless really? That said i think gaps down to front are just not good and look wank. I do appreciate how hard they are though! so a good effort on making the gap in that way!

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  On 5/28/2010 at 9:37 PM, mods said:

People say it's a pointless move.. Aren't all trials moves pointless really? That said i think gaps down to front are just not good and look wank. I do appreciate how hard they are though! so a good effort on making the gap in that way!

So after 30+ comment weve discovered that im a knob jockey with a 12 inch cock that wont get errect all due to the fact that I posted a video of a gap down to front? I love it. the cock joke was hilarious.

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  On 5/30/2010 at 12:51 PM, PeanuckleJive said:

I can't do it, and therefore I salute you. even if it is considered pointless by some, It's a new way to do a gap you can probably already beast to backwheel with your eyes closed

It makes me smile when i receive a positive comment because theres so much hate on this forum

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  On 5/30/2010 at 3:47 PM, crashbanggg said:

I don't see why there is so much hate for this? It looks good to me :)

Next time I'm in lincoln with my bike (hopefully tomorro) im going to film it properly. Also im going to try to stab the landing a bit more to stop the tyre slide that happened in these vids.

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