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My Youtube Story: Danny Macaskill

Ed Roberts

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Yeah saw this earlier today as part of Youtube's 5th Anniversary. When you watch the HD clips of danny hitting the same lines from the April 2009 vid, it kinda makes the original DV vid look faded.

Edited by Rusevelt
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  On 5/18/2010 at 8:00 PM, matthew_coggan said:

I don't think Damon wants the attension, or he would go and break the sidehop word record :P

danny didnt want the attention, he says it just happened?? damon must have the sidehop world record by now anyway haha :P

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  On 5/18/2010 at 7:52 PM, Oliver gu said:

damons video diserves to have as much attention as dannys,

both amazing riders


Im sorry but who invited him into the thread...... if he did deserve it, im sure VW, redbull etc etc would have damons back too! Different strokes for different folks

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  On 5/18/2010 at 8:49 PM, Matthew_Gibson said:

Im sorry but who invited him into the thread...... if he did deserve it, im sure VW, redbull etc etc would have damons back too! Different strokes for different folks

was that aimed atme? ^o)

i knew i shouldnt of commented on thiss, some nob from trials forum was bound to bite my head of :/

i just stated my opinion on both there riding, as both of them are just as good as each other,

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Showed the original Danny vid to my mum the other day and found out I delivered a washing machine or fridge to his Aunts house on the island where my mum lives! Wish I'd known sooner, would have had a word when I met him at Sheffield in January!

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  On 5/18/2010 at 7:52 PM, Oliver gu said:

damons video diserves to have as much attention as dannys,

  On 5/18/2010 at 9:12 PM, Oliver gu said:

i knew i shouldnt of commented on thiss, some nob from trials forum was bound to bite my head of :/

i just stated my opinion on both there riding, as both of them are just as good as each other,

Fair enough that you have an opinion. But WOW it was random that you expressed it here.. Damon is, by far, my favourite rider but Danny appeals to the public more as he's easier to watch.

I'm happy Danny's going s far as he is, he seems like such a nice bloke and is genuinely talented at what he does!

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  On 5/19/2010 at 1:50 PM, Ben John-Hynes said:

Fair enough that you have an opinion. But WOW it was random that you expressed it here.. Damon is, by far, my favourite rider but Danny appeals to the public more as he's easier to watch.

I'm happy Danny's going s far as he is, he seems like such a nice bloke and is genuinely talented at what he does!

God I love you

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danny rides his bike everyday because he does it for a living, which is why he puts everything into what he does to try and get himself more money and more sponsorships. whereas damon has probably got a job and just goes out weekends or at night, and just playing around because he has got that much power in him he is able to go as big as he does. also danny doesnt just get biking sponsors unlike damon....

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  On 5/19/2010 at 9:28 PM, gu trials said:

danny rides his bike everyday because he does it for a living, which is why he puts everything into what he does to try and get himself more money and more sponsorships. whereas damon has probably got a job and just goes out weekends or at night, and just playing around because he has got that much power in him he is able to go as big as he does. also danny doesnt just get biking sponsors unlike damon....

That statement couldn’t be more wrong lad. Dan cycles for the shear pleasure of it and thats about it. If Irn Bru, or whatever fizzy juice company want to give him free helmets to ride safely then so be it.

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  On 5/18/2010 at 7:52 PM, Oliver gu said:

damons video diserves to have as much attention as dannys,

You are going to 'get your head bitten off' with a post like that. Not only is it totally random and out of place but it really isn't true.

Danny's vid was filmed very well, extremely well edited, perfectly fitting song. The riding was amazing.

Damon's vids are pretty much not any of this. They're basically low quality fisheye lens footage with someone saying 'fookin' hell' after every gap. His TGS riding is not as anywhere near as captivating, regular non trials riding viewers aren't going to be impressed with the same thing done over and over again and how're they to know if a gap / sidehop is big or not. (Please note i'm not putting down Damon's riding, how he makes vids or TGS, I'm just explaining why his videos are never going to be as popular as Danny's)

With regards to attitude as well as Luke mentioned, Damon has posted on here asking about steroids, he's had a few problems with selling parts to other users, he posted up a destroyed frame and had a general bad attitude with regards to that situation which all really has lowed his reputation amongst the forum and his attitude was probably (this is total speculation) why tartybikes didn't re-sponsor him when they did their overhaul of their riders.

Danny is a rider who is in a different league with every other rider. With his video, it was perfect to go viral and his excellent attitude in the media after that allowed him to go further and make trials into his career.

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dannys not really a trials rider, more just some awesome bmxish trialsish dude, he my favorite rider out there. Although damon is one of my favorites too. i dont think they are better than eachother, they are both 2 completely different kinds of riders. Dannys put alot more into the sport than damon, so he deserves everything he has got. He got normal people knowing what trials is.

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No offence to Damon, because he is an awesome rider. But why should his video be as big as Dannys?

They were both made just for the trials community and only from people showing non trials riders ( and perhaps some very lucky searches) did Danny's vid become as big as it did. I've shown people Damon's videos and they've been impressed but not so impressed that they then go and show their friends.

Whilst someone jumping with their bike 61" and doing a massive drop gap will impress anyone, after 2-3 minutes of the same thing it loses its impact. Obviously not to trials riders because we understand how hard/ crazy what they're doing is. Some guy doing flairs off trees, tailwhips, big drops, 360's, hooks and other moves over the 3 minutes is going to keep their attention much longer and give an overall better result. And thats why Danny's vid snowballed so much.

Its the same as watching archery and rugby, yeh someone hitting the gold bit (is it still called the bull?) is impressive, but after every shot in the competition it gets a bit dull. Compare it to rugby where the ball can be kicked through the posts, or through trys. Every single play will basically be different, and i know which one would be talked about most after. ;)

Not having a go at anyone. I'm just saying why Damon's vids aren't as popular as Danny's.

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  On 5/26/2010 at 9:58 AM, yoyoyo said:

No offence to Damon, because he is an awesome rider. But why should his video be as big as Dannys?

They were both made just for the trials community and only from people showing non trials riders ( and perhaps some very lucky searches) did Danny's vid become as big as it did. I've shown people Damon's videos and they've been impressed but not so impressed that they then go and show their friends.

Whilst someone jumping with their bike 61" and doing a massive drop gap will impress anyone, after 2-3 minutes of the same thing it loses its impact. Obviously not to trials riders because we understand how hard/ crazy what they're doing is. Some guy doing flairs off trees, tailwhips, big drops, 360's, hooks and other moves over the 3 minutes is going to keep their attention much longer and give an overall better result. And thats why Danny's vid snowballed so much.

Its the same as watching archery and rugby, yeh someone hitting the gold bit (is it still called the bull?) is impressive, but after every shot in the competition it gets a bit dull. Compare it to rugby where the ball can be kicked through the posts, or through trys. Every single play will basically be different, and i know which one would be talked about most after. ;)

Not having a go at anyone. I'm just saying why Damon's vids aren't as popular as Danny's.

couldnt agree more. well put

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  On 5/26/2010 at 9:58 AM, yoyoyo said:

No offence to Damon, because he is an awesome rider. But why should his video be as big as Dannys?

They were both made just for the trials community and only from people showing non trials riders ( and perhaps some very lucky searches) did Danny's vid become as big as it did. I've shown people Damon's videos and they've been impressed but not so impressed that they then go and show their friends.

Whilst someone jumping with their bike 61" and doing a massive drop gap will impress anyone, after 2-3 minutes of the same thing it loses its impact. Obviously not to trials riders because we understand how hard/ crazy what they're doing is. Some guy doing flairs off trees, tailwhips, big drops, 360's, hooks and other moves over the 3 minutes is going to keep their attention much longer and give an overall better result. And thats why Danny's vid snowballed so much.

Its the same as watching archery and rugby, yeh someone hitting the gold bit (is it still called the bull?) is impressive, but after every shot in the competition it gets a bit dull. Compare it to rugby where the ball can be kicked through the posts, or through trys. Every single play will basically be different, and i know which one would be talked about most after. ;)

Not having a go at anyone. I'm just saying why Damon's vids aren't as popular as Danny's.

youve won me over : :P

i think i agree

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