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Why Do You Boys Do It To Your Self?

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Royal blood is a version of Magura mineral oil for use in their brakes.. You can't use dot fluid in Maguras because it will melt the seals and destroy the internals.

Thanks. :)

So while we are on the subject of 'brake fluids' Can you use conventional fluids on other 'Hydro' brakes?

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Thanks. :)

So while we are on the subject of 'brake fluids' Can you use conventional fluids on other 'Hydro' brakes?

Mineral oil in dot fluid based brakes is a very bad idea and vice versa. As far as i'm aware in a closed system like a magura hs33 it's okay to try other fluids such as water, water/anti-freeze, baby oil, urine, blackcurrant juice (not recommended, very messy). Generally systems with reservoirs aren't so forgiving as they expect the fluid to get hot enough to expand. Oil has higher boiling point than water so it's advisable to keep to oil for things like disc brakes. Mineral oil is used by magura so the brake works in a variety of conditions, it freezes/boils at more extreme temperatures than water at the expense of it feeling more sluggish at the lever.

Not really tried experimenting with dot brakes so i couldn't say, but for a magura most things are alright, so long as it's not dot fluid or something corrosive like pure anti-freeze or blood from the set of aliens. I've been at a party once and some riding friends filled a guys hs33 with piss while he was K.O.'d in the shrubbery and it was in there for a long time before he noticed!

Like has been mentioned before you can try lighter weight mineral oils for the same feeling or at least one in between magura blood and tap water, and if your cheap LHM is the same as royal blood and vegetable oil is in the magura manual as okay for a temporary fix.

Water in summer, with water/anti-freeze for winter conditions is about the best though. Just remember to lube your seals and you'll be fine.

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I'm going to be entirely honest and blunt with you here, but you come across as a condescending, patronizing, wanker. You're probably not, but given that you keep referring to everyone as boys thats how it appears when you read through what you've written. Combine that with you not paying attention to what people say and i think you can understand why you're receiving the slightly hostile responses.

So you've had an experience with a malfunctioning piece of equipment, it's no biggy. I had my maguras bled with oil once and the seal died in the slave and i replaced it. I'm not going to go around suggesting that all oil bleeds are bad. I've also had a water bleed for the last 2-3 years, in which it's been bled twice, maybe three times and i've had no problems other than a snapped pad retention pin on the slave.

I can't see where anybody has said that metal springs can't rust, or that there aren't springs inside the lever body. But many people have said that the spring in the lever will not rust if it's bled properly. I've not observed mine over time so can't say for sure but it seems a lot of people are working under some very big misconceptions.

Metal will rust when in contact with both water and air. If a brake is bled properly there shouldn't be air pockets in the line and as such it shouldn't be prone to rusting. It will probably rust over a long time, but in that time frame the brake will most likely need replacing anyway due to component-intensive the nature of the sport.

Someone also mentioned the way sunken ships rust. Again, this does happen but it happens over a very long time and most of the time the sunken ships being referred to are in salt water, which is much more corrosive than deionized or even regular tap water.

People wanting the best possible performance often choose a water bleed because of the way it acts and feels. It isn't just trials where this performance:longevity ratio is altered by the user, people overclock computers for more speed at the expense of a longer life, race car tyres are formulated for more grip over durability and even brake pads vary in terms of performance and life. At the end of the day people want different things and as such are willing to make informed sacrifices in order to gain what they want to achieve.

I don't think he said anything that justifies you calling him a 'wanker'. There's far too much needless abuse on this forum, and far too much pedantry regarding spelling and punctuation. Live and let live!

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I don't think he said anything that justifies you calling him a 'wanker'. There's far too much needless abuse on this forum, and far too much pedantry regarding spelling and punctuation. Live and let live!

I didn't, i said he probably isn't one.

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As i cant talk like i do to all my friends .i have been called far wores ,i work in a tattoo stuido with bikers so petty name calling like this makes me LOL. when i joined the forum it was for fun and thats been well lost now. but there are some on here that take thigs to heart , then they attack you for bad spelling ,wording ect. i re-read my bits and at not one point did i say you are wrong and i am right or have ago. but let people think what they like. its ok for people to dis me but if i give it back i may as well be a witch.

fletch thanks for being nice sir. dont let the b******d's grind you down.

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My god you love to whinge, don't you?

'The whole world is against me, I only came here to spell badly and make ridiculous sweeping statements - what's so wrong with that?'

If it's that bad here, no-one's making you stay - we kind of happen to like it the way it is...

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My god you love to whinge, don't you?

'The whole world is against me, I only came here to spell badly and make ridiculous sweeping statements - what's so wrong with that?'

If it's that bad here, no-one's making you stay - we kind of happen to like it the way it is...


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i work in a tattoo stuido with bikers so petty name calling like this makes me LOL.

Wow, big hard man works with bikers. Seriously, what's with that? Why even bring that into this chat? Don't try so hard to come across as cool. "I work in a tattoo studio with bikers", "i'm older than all of you", "i know more as i've been a bike mechanic longer than you've been riding".

Chill out, just be yourself. It's only a forum.

It just seems like you've wrongly slated something, been called up on it. You've been adamant you're right then acted overly nonchalant when it's clear you were wrong. Now you're apparently too good for this place.

This forum can be a fun, easy going place to chat and have a laugh but it needs everyone to chill out to do so. You need to come off your high horse a bit and other people need to stop being so pedantic about spelling and grammar. Compromise would make this place far more enjoyable.

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I don't think he said anything that justifies you calling him a 'wanker'. There's far too much needless abuse on this forum, and far too much pedantry regarding spelling and punctuation. Live and let live!

Really? Man up.

Water bleeds are fine, HOWEVER - all the cool kids use cables. Having said that, i feel i've just gone completely off topic going back to the original point :(

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