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If There Was .....

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sorry my bad.

if there was a trials event i.e some thing like trials fest who would come . land , music ,is not a prob as i have that sorted.

and danny yes sir me i 27 not 17 been in to trials just a few years so might know what i am talking about.

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sorry my bad.

if there was a trials event i.e some thing like trials fest who would come . land , music ,is not a prob as i have that sorted.

and danny yes sir me i 27 not 17 been in to trials just a few years so might know what i am talking about.

When and where!!! count me in!

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There was a National round at Barrow farm in Essex?

I think alot of people would be interested if you got it right.

You can drop the 'I'm older than some of you, I know what I'm talking about' routine, its pretty old and tired.

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you guys are being proper dicks. he is obviously new to the forum and is actually looking into doing something nice for the trials community, just because he is in NMC doesn't mean he is a retard. leave off

anyways. im willing to drive to the trials fest in wales from portsmouth. i would be just as pleased if a second was organised and closer to home

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is this directed at me?

Yeah. Not meaning to be a dick (though probably failing as usual) but I've read a few of your posts where you're going on the defensive telling people how old you are and how long you've been riding but maybe people would recognise that better if you put some effort into your posts.A lot of them have poor grammar, spelling and often make little sense so with a bit of effort you could avoid needing to go on the defensive in the first place.

Anyway, back on topic people :-.

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Yeah. Not meaning to be a dick (though probably failing as usual) but I've read a few of your posts where you're going on the defensive telling people how old you are and how long you've been riding but maybe people would recognise that better if you put some effort into your posts.A lot of them have poor grammar, spelling and often make little sense so with a bit of effort you could avoid needing to go on the defensive in the first place.

Anyway, back on topic people :-.

dude i really dont care if my spelling and grammar are right or wrong i live in the real world , in my other posts like bring back old skool i had a lot of nice replys. the hs33 thing i am just hiting my head. The reson i put this post up is i have land i have dj's and bands i use to run my owen demo team and know a hell of a lot of bike distributers and can put a really good event on. But to be honest from what i have seen on the forum i would not give my time up to put it on for ungreatfull people. But now ill do it by invite only ,it will cost ME a lot of money to do and i ant paying out to have kids turn up and not see how much work has gone in to to do.

Riley; if you dont like post dont add to it ..

Ash-Kennard ; thanks dude. a invite will be sent if i put it on.

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dude i really dont care if my spelling and grammar are right or wrong i live in the real world , in my other posts like bring back old skool i had a lot of nice replys. the hs33 thing i am just hiting my head. The reson i put this post up is i have land i have dj's and bands i use to run my owen demo team and know a hell of a lot of bike distributers and can put a really good event on. But to be honest from what i have seen on the forum i would not give my time up to put it on for ungreatfull people. But now ill do it by invite only ,it will cost ME a lot of money to do and i ant paying out to have kids turn up and not see how much work has gone in to to do.

Riley; if you dont like post dont add to it ..

Ash-Kennard ; thanks dude. a invite will be sent if i put it on.


If you had explained it in a more exciting way then I would have been interested.

Instead of: I might run a show in the south or sumthing, fancy coming?

Edited by Riley1
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Well the problem is with your posting.

You came on here, posting like an 11 year old and giving the whole "I'm older than you, I know what I'm talking about" crap - I'm nearly 26, there's no need to try and sound better than everyone else just because you're older.

And, people may not sound interested if you just put something like "Wood u cum to an event in sarf east?" - if you put "Hi guys, I have loads of land, live music performers and suchlike and am thinking of holding a trials event - anyone interested?" I'm sure your responses would have been much more positive.

And "living in the real world" is bollocks mate, this is the real world. We're real people and we're talking to each other, this isn't a computer game. If you come across as an idiot on here, people won't give you a chance and they won't show interest in your plans.

Until now I've stayed neutral, but you really are coming across as a bit of a twat to be honest.

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dude i really dont care if my spelling and grammar are right or wrong i live in the real world , in my other posts like bring back old skool i had a lot of nice replys. the hs33 thing i am just hiting my head. The reson i put this post up is i have land i have dj's and bands i use to run my owen demo team and know a hell of a lot of bike distributers and can put a really good event on. But to be honest from what i have seen on the forum i would not give my time up to put it on for ungreatfull people. But now ill do it by invite only ,it will cost ME a lot of money to do and i ant paying out to have kids turn up and not see how much work has gone in to to do.

That's the thing though: On a forum like this it's even more important than the real life to put yourself across well because the only thing we see is what you post- there's no help from body language or facial expressions (except smilies). As such if you make poor, disjointed and hard to read posts people will judge you on those and treat you worse than if you'd spent a bit of time thinking about what you wanted to post. No one expects perfect grammar or spelling but a generally good post really isn't too much to ask from someone who's 27.

Anyway, good luck with the show/demo/festival/event.

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That's the thing though: On a forum like this it's even more important than the real life to put yourself across well because the only thing we see is what you post- there's no help from body language or facial expressions (except smilies). As such if you make poor, disjointed and hard to read posts people will judge you on those and treat you worse than if you'd spent a bit of time thinking about what you wanted to post. No one expects perfect grammar or spelling but a generally good post really isn't too much to ask from someone who's 27.

Anyway, good luck with the show/demo/festival/event.

i think i ill just keep my self to my self ,

but thanks for the surport boys real big of you.

and MadManMike not at one point have i said you are all wrong i am god and i am right, think you sir need to re read your post but you think i am a twat sir then that is up you, you dont know me i dont know you, calling me twat is very unfair and f""king highly disrespectful ,i wont really post how i fill about you or your post, all i was doing was trying to help the trials out in the south for people who cant get to places like wales but the more this goes on i cant be f**ked ,

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i think i ill just keep my self to my self ,

but thanks for the surport boys real big of you.

and MadManMike not at one point have i said you are all wrong i am god and i am right, think you sir need to re read your post but you think i am a twat sir then that is up you, you dont know me i dont know you, calling me twat is very unfair and f""king highly disrespectful ,i wont really post how i fill about you or your post, all i was doing was trying to help the trials out in the south for people who cant get to places like wales but the more this goes on i cant be f**ked ,

I didn't say you are a twat, I said you're coming across as a bit of a twat...

Rather than acting on peoples advice, you've got defensive. Your loss, not ours.

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