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What Colour Would Go Best?

Sam Styles

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my zoo

what do you think would be the best colour to have the rims when i eventually upgrade?

should i go green like the standard zoo?

or should i have a fluro colour?

or stay the same?

all ideas welcome :)

thanks, Sam

Edited by samtrialsbmx
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Me thinks green rims + riser bars = win.

What you do to be not being able to walk (if that makes sense) (N) ?

ive really badly torn and damaged the ligament in my foot and done some soft tissue damage also :/

i hate my bmx :(

im buying some black zoo risers hopefully soon (Y)

All black wheels, with either green nipples or green rim tape, then green risers, and your sorted.


i want to stay away from coloured bars lol, i think they look strange lol.

nice idea about the nipples and tape though :D

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Are you serious??

How about stop giving a f**k about what colour it is and ride the shit out of it?

you would get flamed so badly on OTN. lol

Who gives a f**k about you?

Go f**k off back to OTN, if you have nothing constructive to say. KTHNXBI

I personly think it looks hot!

But, change to some silver trialtech bars! Both for looks and it will ride a shit load better. :)

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i am stuck in bed and cant walk because i have rode the shit out of it (Y)

ive really badly torn and damaged the ligament in my foot and done some soft tissue damage also :/

i hate my bmx :(


Green rims with silver hubs and spokes, why not?

Edit: get a bashring! >.<

Edited by PeanuckleJive
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