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Where Are You On The Political Compass?


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? :rolleyes:

done that already and got UKIP for some reason.


That came across pretty arrogant. I'm doing yours now and will post the result (Y)



I'm as near to indifferent as make no odds really. There weren't many questions I could expressly agree or disagree with, everything was either slightly agree or slightly disgree

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I gave up on the other test, didn't really understand what I was answering for most of the questions. Plus it's more of an American targeted political orientation which isn't great for 99% of the forum.

I'm really really left. Pubic healthcare, legalization of same sex marriage, legalization of marijuana, separation of church and state, anti-religion etc.

It seems that the people who are 'right' pretty much base all moral / ethical decisions from their holey books (although they won't admit it) and use bullshit, propaganda and lies to make their point.

Edited by JT!
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I should vote lib dem or green apparently (and given that I would normally vote green and Bristol is lib dem it's no shock)

I was actually shocked that labour scored way above the conservatives - as there is no chance in hell I would ever vote labour...

In other news - I'm mother f**king ghandi

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I'm really really left. Pubic healthcare, legalization of same sex marriage, legalization of marijuana, separation of church and state, anti-religion etc.

Really left? Compared to the Americans? That's not hard :P

You should have a look at that quiz. They make a distinction between left / right and the authoritarian / libertarian. Although they are often linked (left + libertarian, right + authoritarian) it's not necessarily so. It sounds like you're quite libertarian from what you've said - Same sex marriage, marijuana. I.e. state control is a bad thing, people should do what they like. The left / right thing is a bit different - you may (or may not) believe in the welfare state and public funded health care for example.

I was actually shocked that labour scored way above the conservatives - as there is no chance in hell I would ever vote labour...

Personalities and past misdemeanours (Iraq, the credit crunch) aside, Labour is a traditionally closer to the Lib Dems than the Conservatives ever will be. You might not want to vote for Brown, but labour's policies are much more "ghandi" than those of the conservatives?

I seem to be more Ghandi than Ghandi.

Yeah, Ghandi isn't as libertarian as I had imagined.

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