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First Vid With The New Camera


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Well here is my first vid made using my new Kodak ZX1 pocket camcorder. For £50 she was a bargain for the quality you get from such a small piece of kit.

Bear in mind I made this more to test the camera and have my first go at editing something together, used Videopad editing software (cause its free and windows movie maker is crap) to put it together.

The ridings bit ropey as I was in a bit of a rush to get it done and the angles are poor as I was on my own so had to balance the camera on walls etc. but should hopefully be getting a mini tripod, strap to fit it to helmet/handlebars and get my mate out so we can film each other soon enough.

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Before people start ripping the shit out of his riding: remember you were there once...

I love the bike man, old school for the win. You're right, that camera does look pretty good for 50 notes too. Keep getting the practise in, try to lose those correction hops and the bashrings usage and you'll be on for some quality vids soon.

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  On 4/29/2010 at 12:52 PM, JD™ said:

Before people start ripping the shit out of his riding: remember you were there once...

I love the bike man, old school for the win. You're right, that camera does look pretty good for 50 notes too. Keep getting the practise in, try to lose those correction hops and the bashrings usage and you'll be on for some quality vids soon.

Cheers matey, only just got back into riding after a LONG time off so still a bit sketchy but its coming along.

Think I was correcting a lot cause I was rushing it all, especially having to press record, ride up the wall, get back down and get back to stop it whilst keeping it quite short. Will hopefully get out later with a mate who can record for me and vice versa so will have a bit more time practising beforehand and be more relaxed!

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  On 4/29/2010 at 12:57 PM, isitafox said:

Cheers matey, only just got back into riding after a LONG time off so still a bit sketchy but its coming along.

Think I was correcting a lot cause I was rushing it all, especially having to press record, ride up the wall, get back down and get back to stop it whilst keeping it quite short. Will hopefully get out later with a mate who can record for me and vice versa so will have a bit more time practising beforehand and be more relaxed!

Try not to worry about that stuff, remember you can edit the length of the clips after. So just keep it rolling, keep the move going till you get a take you'd be happy with then hit stop. When you get to editing you just keep the start to end of the once you liked :)

I know the feeling though, I'm just as sketchy right now after a good 4 years off.

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  On 4/29/2010 at 12:52 PM, JD™ said:

Before people start ripping the shit out of his riding: remember you were there once...

I love the bike man, old school for the win. You're right, that camera does look pretty good for 50 notes too. Keep getting the practise in, try to lose those correction hops and the bashrings usage and you'll be on for some quality vids soon.

i'm still there lol, who cares if it's not a next macaskill

i do like you bike though like bein back in the lates 90's or when everyone was using saracen x-torts etc

since the riding is making you happy keep goin at it, if i can get mine up an runnin i'll try an catch up

Edited by Tux07
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  On 4/29/2010 at 1:27 PM, Tux07 said:

i do like you bike though like bein back in the lates 90's or when everyone was using saracen x-torts etc

Thats cause last time I rode was back in 99! Had the bike in my dads garage for last 10 years an decided before christmas to get it built back up but using proper trials components not the make it up as you go along stuff we had to make do with years ago!!

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  On 4/29/2010 at 1:31 PM, isitafox said:

Thats cause last time I rode was back in 99! Had the bike in my dads garage for last 10 years an decided before christmas to get it built back up but using proper trials components not the make it up as you go along stuff we had to make do with years ago!!

yh ending up with an abundance of parts lying around where you'd try every combo possible, i do miss those days it was cheaper an easier to build a rig,

im struggling to get me t-rex goin (monthly pays limits the majority) what with all the new fangled parts

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  On 4/29/2010 at 1:43 PM, Rusevelt said:

Amazing picture for £50 :o much crisper video resolution than standard DV cams costing 3 times as much (Y)

Yea thats better than my £200 Sony Handycam, but then again you've got to remember the larger handycams are more a larger product, having still image functions, touch screen display, zooms, better storage capacity etc.

Really enjoyed watching, just for the future you need to shorten the clips, and have a bit of a fitting track. Bike looks awesome for a basic build!

Would say wear a helmet but I can see that your likely to invest in one so you can film from it. :)

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  On 4/29/2010 at 5:17 PM, Captain Scarlet said:

Yea thats better than my £200 Sony Handycam, but then again you've got to remember the larger handycams are more a larger product, having still image functions, touch screen display, zooms, better storage capacity etc.

Really enjoyed watching, just for the future you need to shorten the clips, and have a bit of a fitting track. Bike looks awesome for a basic build!

Would say wear a helmet but I can see that your likely to invest in one so you can film from it. smile.gif

Yeah like I said it was mainly a tester for the camera to see what the quality was like and just have a quick go with an editing program.

Gonna try an get a better program for editing as the one I used was only a freebie, and helmet shall be ordered later on tonight!

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