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Recovering Owed Money


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Nearly 10 weeks ago I did a days work delivering leaflets. For this work I am owed £82.50. Despite stating on my invoice for the work that I expected payment within 3 weeks, I was not paid within that time. After 6 weeks I sent an e-mail asking what was happening where I received a quick repsonse stating that he would look into it asap and get back to me. 3 weeks later, with no repsonse or payment, I contact him again. 10 days later with no response I have sent another e-mail asking if he has any intention to pay me and that if I do not receive a very quick resolution to my recieving the money I am owed, I will pursue a legal means of getting it.

Basically, has anyone been in a similar situation of trying to get a small amount of money they are owed, and how did they do it? What are my legal options?

It's really annoying because I'm struggling for money because I'm only really able to get irregular work at the moment. £82.50 may not seem like much but I could really do with it. :angry:

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Hmmm, first of all I'd suggest contacting the Citizens Advice and they will tell you exactly what to do - or point you in the right direction at the very least.

Usually this will go to a small claims court (you may not even have to attend), but I think you'll find that the guy will pay up on recieving a summons as the amount of money isn't worth arguing, but on top of a failed payment you could also claim for any other costs you've had due to not having this money (i.e. Bank fees, default payments) IF it is a direct result of not getting the money.

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do you have a contract for the work? I think if you do its gonna be alot easier to prosecute

Thats my only bit of legal info sorry lol

Unfortrunately no. I did the work with a friend though, so at least somebody can support the fact I actually did work that day. I also have an e-mail with the employer stating that he will get my invoice processed for payment.

I'd imagine that most people that do a days work like this don't get any sort of contract. I hope our legal system isn't unjust as to exclude my chances of getting paid due to the nature of the work.

Thanks for trying anyway :)

Hmmm, first of all I'd suggest contacting the Citizens Advice and they will tell you exactly what to do - or point you in the right direction at the very least.

Usually this will go to a small claims court (you may not even have to attend), but I think you'll find that the guy will pay up on recieving a summons as the amount of money isn't worth arguing, but on top of a failed payment you could also claim for any other costs you've had due to not having this money (i.e. Bank fees, default payments) IF it is a direct result of not getting the money.

Okay, I'll do that. I wasn't sure where to go to get relevant advice so thanks.

I've not lost any money through not being paid. I just want the money I worked for! :angry:

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I was considering turning him into wine so I could sell him and get my money back.

But yeah, being seen as an unreliable businessman can hardly be good for your business. I can imagine some karmic action going down. Certainly if the motivation is greed then that's never good for your well being.

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