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Any One Used Senheissers Return Policy


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the earphones have been respected and treated right, not thrown around or chewed etc etc, the cable it self is coming away from the audio plug jack (the metal bit you plug in the ipod jack!)

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Richer sounds told me if my senheissers fell apart (i told them my old ones did when i bought them) they would simply replace them if i took em back. Shame i lost them instead haha.

You didnt get em off ebay did you? As most the ones on ebay are counterfeit. I got my latest pair (third set) from play.com pretty cheap.

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Nope didnt use them for trials, it was just simply that i take the earphones out of my ipod alot and the glue had "weakened"...

Took them to currys and they swapped them over in a matter of minutes :D

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