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How To Over Come Fear ?

gu trials

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ok so im going on holiday to benidorm in september, and i have been told i have to go on the rides. everybody has a fear of something and mine is rides and rollercoasters so how can i over come my fear of these ?

i have thought about if i drink before i go on them it might soften my fear but i would rather ask for advice rather than go for gut instinct :) cheers

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ok so im going on holiday to benidorm in september, and i have been told i have to go on the rides. everybody has a fear of something and mine is rides and rollercoasters so how can i over come my fear of these ?

i have thought about if i drink before i go on them it might soften my fear but i would rather ask for advice rather than go for gut instinct :) cheers

I used to have the same fear, seriously, just get them to force you on to it, tell them no matter what you say or do they've got to get you on it.

It works, you'll shit yourself until the first drop, then adrenaline kicks in a boom, they're amazing.

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I used to have the same fear, seriously, just get them to force you on to it, tell them no matter what you say or do they've got to get you on it.

It works, you'll shit yourself until the first drop, then adrenaline kicks in a boom, they're amazing.

i have been on infusion in blackpool, and that scared me and thats the one and only thing ive been on which scared me, i went on some others but they didnt scare me as much for some reason, probably because not as high.

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terrified by roller-coasters (and any type of scenario i'm not in control of) but they super check them usually to higher standards than aircraft inspections, just cause a roller-coaster f**king up can destroy a parks reputation blah blah you can be confident the machine won't fail. but still. man up and git ir done...

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man up

I read the topic and knew this would appear in at least one of the three posts. f**king hell, can we swear block it or something!?

Not having a go, but it's just the single most usless bit of advice that gets thrown about this forum.

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There is 1 in 300 million chance of dying in a roller coaster accident. You have better chance of dying from heart disease, cancer, or even crossing the street.

The chance of dying in a road crash is 1 in 250 in the UK. Massively higher than in any other mode of transport. Yet we are more likely to worry about being killed on a plane than on the drive to the airport. We feel in control in our vehicles, when we are absolutely subject to a multitude of risks from other road users and the road environment as well as our own immense fallibilities.

Just don't watch final destination before you go.

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The main thing to remember is that your fear is completely irrational. Rollercoasters are so safe and have so many safety cutoffs that there is practically zero actual risk to getting on one. But yeah. best bet is to start on a smaller one that doesn't chuck you around too much and then work up. Or do what I used to do and point blank refuse to go on them!

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Yeaaaaaah I used to be pretty scared of roller coasters. Mummy told me she'd give me £50 if I went on this. I was about 12 and absolutely shitting myself. Bloody loved it though, went on it a good 4/5 times straight after just for the thrill. Loved them ever since! It's not like you're on there for an hour, the ride's over in seconds!

Edited by Hannah Shucksmith
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Flamingo Land in Yorkshire. You can head there for a holiday and all that crap - they've got caravans and holiday homes and stuff. It's an awesome place! I'm dying to get back there! :lol: It's pretty cheap from what I can remember as well. I managed to come out of a log flume there though, there were 4 of us in the log thing and I was at the front with my little sister behind me. The workers placed us in the log and told us that was the correct way of sitting. On the second largest drop my little sister fell forward into the back of me, which lead to me coming out of the boat, fracturing my sternum and breaking several ribs. We managed to sue the place though - got a fair bit of compensation and a free weeks holiday there. The log flume was demolished shortly after and there's a new ride there now (: Edited by Hannah Shucksmith
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Flamingo Land, unheard of? Don't joke around. But if you're a southerner, maybe you ain't heard of it I guess.

Alton Towers is sick, Drayton Manor is pretty good too, and because DM is small, takes no time at all to get around.

You've got me looking at theme parks now DAMN YOU!

And I live in Ireland so theres nothing at all here....Might have to fly back to UK sometime and stay at one of their resorts :D

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My brother works at Flamingo Land. I've been on the Magnum Force (I believe it's called) a few times. I think it's not there anymore now.

Loops suck, it doesn't even feel like you're upside down so I don't really see the point. The corkscrew is better.

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And I live in Ireland so theres nothing at all here....Might have to fly back to UK sometime and stay at one of their resorts :D

You've got Barry's up in Portrush have you not? I remember going there as a kid. Never heard of Flamingo land though. I've always thought that a typical trials rider/dangerous sportsman would be fine with rollercoasters/skydiving as they are the type of person who enjoys the rush of exciting things. Not the type of person who gets scared like a little pussy :lol:

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Just don't watch final destination before you go.

Saturday, after drinking and smoking went on a rollorcoaster after watching final destination a couple of days earlier, Ross Garderner was in front of me and I swear every pole was about a mm from taking off his head... was banter lol

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Fear and pain are closely related in you head....in reality, usually quite far apart.

If you are scared

>>>Stop for a minute<<<

Assess the situation, realize you are fine, not hurt.

Acknowledge that it is just your mind being irrational.

Then go back to what you are doing and stop being a bitch, enjoy the adrenalin rush, have fun and give it you all!

Edited by philth
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its just your mind being irrational.

Not really... in terms of facts and stats yea there safe.

But I wouldn't call being scared of being hurtled at 60mph upside down irrational...

Same with the fear of heights.... its a survival thing.

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Not really... in terms of facts and stats yea there safe.

But I wouldn't call being scared of being hurtled at 60mph upside down irrational...

Same with the fear of heights.... its a survival thing.

It is irrational....Its a theme park, where safety is the number one aspect. The higher the level or speed, twists, turns and flips in a ride, the higher the level of safety.

Its irrational to think that, your cart, your harness, your turn round the track or whatever is going to be the one that will fail.


When I ride roller-coasters I purposefully leave the harness a little loose just to add an extra element of rush...my mind gets boarded with rides very quickly.

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