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Just A Few Questions.

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2010 Bird = Win for Beginners.

Helmet = Must have.

Shin Pads = Highly Recommended.

Alex. :)

beat me to it really!

if you're just starting out, shin pads are a very good idea because you're gonna do a lot of slipping :lol:

No matter how good or bad you are, always wear a helmet!

onza bikes are all great bikes for the money, especially for beginners

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Hi all,

Just wondering is the onza bird any good please? Also how cheap can anyone get it delivered to the uk please + Will i need anything for it eg: shin guards knee guards helmet?

Thanks all for those who help.

The bird is good for beginners. A helmet is essential in the sport of trials and its up to you wheather or not you wear shinpads. Sometimes I do sometimes I don't

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The bird is good for beginners. A helmet is essential in the sport of trials and its up to you wheather or not you wear shinpads. Sometimes I do sometimes I don't

Thanks all for the help guys. Also is it worth getting it from tarty when i can get it from winstanleys for £350? Also is the maggie hs33 brake a highly recconmended must have upgrade also will a brake booster be needed. Actually could someone write me a list of some things that i would need for my bike when i get it.

Thanks everyone ( p.s I HOPE I GET VALIDATED SOON)

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Thanks all for the help guys. Also is it worth getting it from tarty when i can get it from winstanleys for £350? Also is the maggie hs33 brake a highly recconmended must have upgrade also will a brake booster be needed. Actually could someone write me a list of some things that i would need for my bike when i get it.

Thanks everyone ( p.s I HOPE I GET VALIDATED SOON)

You know what? I probably would have put a vote in if you hadn't ended your post like that.

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Keep the V-brake on the back of the bird, Vee is the way forward.

Decent pads, decent cable, decent set-up, your onto a winner by far.

The front brake on the bird is good too, if set-up right.

Freewheel would be the best thing to get, something with decent engagement.

As for places to buy it, tarty bikes all the way, as mentioned, free t-shirt, free stickers, plus your bike come ready set-up.


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