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My Zoo! Piranha


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i just got my new ZOO! Piranha frame an building it up i have gone from a onza t-poo an ive always wanted a ZOO!. It should be mostly done by thursday next week i will put pictures up when its done

cheers andrew

Sorry.. but why post a thread so early?

And you need to change your 'thingy thing' from 'mod' to 'stock' ;)

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i just got my new ZOO! Piranha frame an building it up i have gone from a onza t-poo an ive always wanted a ZOO!. It should be mostly done by thursday next week i will put pictures up when its done

cheers andrew

i will be riding both mod an stock

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well i had the forks before i got the frame an im going for a gold an silver colour scheme i mite spray the forks black or gold dunno yea an it rides like a beast doing stuff on it i could only dream about doing on my 20". i don't really care about the colour as long as it rides good then i'm :D

the parts on it are:

meta flat handle bars

tryall grips

because stem

aston forks

onza ronnie an reggie rims (drilled)

tensile freewheel

because bash guard

tryall cranks

megura hs33 brakes

heat sink back pads normal front pads

maxxis tires

shimano deore hubs (till i change them)

ddg deadlock

First Blog Z headset

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Im not being funny but it shouldn't matter how the bikes looks like should be how it rides an it rides perfect. So the forks are red who cares like trials punk said i will change the decal or something or just keep it the way it is as long as i like it thats what matters.

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