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So after some further investigation it would seem that this guy has a DVD out. Gonna see if I can get hold of it. Apparently it features Waynio off of here!

Anyone know any more about this?

Might have looked impressive but it only takes one little mistake for him to drop 20ft onto his face. Very ballsy video but i wee bit silly me thinks.

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Might have looked impressive but it only takes one little mistake for him to drop 20ft onto his face. Very ballsy video but i wee bit silly me thinks.

Not being funny but that's the attitude of a loser.

I thought that video was awesome! I'd like to have a pop on his bike, just to see how shit I actually am on it :giggle:

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Well Armani isn't exactly the most tasteful of the high fashion brands now are they? Think of the demographic they appeal to - it all looks a bit cheap to me - despite the cost. They should stick to well cut suits, less shiney stuff.

Lol! f**kin ell, alright Gok Wan.

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That front wheel looks suspiciously Road bike, time trial esque.

Nah, they did (do?) actually do MTB ones. Mainly designed for XC to be fair and I don't think I'd trust one for trials... looks pretty cool though! Libor Karas also used to run one back in the day.

My girlfriend works at Primark too!


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My girlfriend works at Primark too!

Your girlfriend needs to set her aspirations a little higher then doesn't she. Also its quite ignorant to mock something you don't understand.

I'm not going to take the bait, and state....well my girlfriend does this...... so i'll leave you with you ignorant take on what i said. The fashion industry does transcend just a little further than a shop for the poor!

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The fashion industry does transcend just a little further than a shop for the poor!

Exactly. It manages to both belittle and raise insecurities in your average Joe(sephine) while also ensuring that there's a good proportion of people in the world suffering from anorexia and bulimia while also providing much needed low paid jobs for the poor and undernourished children of third world countries across the world. Now there's an industry to stand for and defend if ever there was one!

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Exactly. It manages to both belittle and raise insecurities in your average Joe(sephine) while also ensuring that there's a good proportion of people in the world suffering from anorexia and bulimia while also providing much needed low paid jobs for the poor and undernourished children of third world countries across the world. Now there's an industry to stand for and defend if ever there was one!

The eating disorder argument i don't profess to - thats down to an individuals insecurities - whilst i agree the image portrayed by a model isn't all that healthy (usually) its for a purpose, and its not saying the average Joe(sephine) should copy it. If silly girls and boys want to follow it its their fault - people always seem to blame the media for their own problems - plus there's some pretty ''healthy'' looking models out there. Vittorio is a fashion model and having looked at the pictures of him on the runway....well it seems like a fairly healthy body image to portray.

The part about providing much need low paid jobs for the poor..........etc argument - well you well and truly have lost me there. Apply your arguments and thoughts to any given industry and that argument is still valid: manufacturing, food production, fuel production etc - so how is fashion any worse? Its the same for so much in the world - and whilst you might not agree with fashion (because you may not be interested in it) i hope you hold the same view for any of the same given arguments.

Also, to clarify i wasn't defending the fashion industry. Someone accused me of beign gok wan because i made a comment about the dude troo's - and i said i was interested in fashion due to my girlfriends involvement in that area - then i got told she worked at primark/i'm defending a negative industry/i'm fighting about fighting when all i was doing was replying to a comment about trousers.

I'm not trying to make an issue of things - i just don't like ignorant views and people casting aspersions towards my comment just because i said something about Armani.

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Someone accused me of beign gok wan because i made a comment about the dude troo's - and i said i was interested in fashion due to my girlfriends involvement in that area - then i got told she worked at primark/i'm defending a negative industry/i'm fighting about fighting when all i was doing was replying to a comment about trousers.

I'm not trying to make an issue of things - i just don't like ignorant views and people casting aspersions towards my comment just because i said something about Armani.

Firstly, maybe 'someone' was light heartedly taking the piss?

'You got told she worked at Primark' :D I don't think it was really telling you, it was a joke which you clearly failed to pick up on.

I think it's your attitude of 'Primark is a shop for the poor' thats not winning you any favours - it makes you come across as snobby and stuck up.

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