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Bar Tapes


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Don't do it...tapes just move, tear and come undone.

I did a whole nation comp well section 3-20 with no grips because the tape failed so badly.

The carbon effect is not the best feeling, its not absorbent and gets slick with its coating.

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Don't do it...tapes just move, tear and come undone.

I did a whole nation comp well section 3-20 with no grips because the tape failed so badly.

The carbon effect is not the best feeling, its not absorbent and gets slick with its coating.

The sticky backing on bar tape is pathetic, but if you do it tight enough, tape the end down and push the other end into the bars and fit the bar end it shouldn't move. Did you put the tape on going clockwise or anti clockwise? You will be pulling the tape towards you more on a trials bike so it should tighten as you pull.

Anyway, all that's pointless because you can just use some double sided tape and it'll never move.

Some kind of micro fibre tape will be best for trials for better comfort and grip. Fizik is good. Or if you have a bit more money get the Lizard skins DSP tape as it's very comfortable.

With the carbon effect, as said above, it doesn't feel as nice as a normal foam or gel tape.

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