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Rubber Band Powered Cars?


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basically for my business module i have to make a rubber band powered car. i could make a basic one, but you get alot more marks for not using the standard axle-rubber band-chassis.

i remember someone years ago telling me you can make really good cars using a sewing machine bobbin and a candle to power your car, ive googled and googled with no luck.

anyone on here have any ideas?

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I'd have to build this to make sure it worked, but it is a start. The rules don't say you can't buy pre-made components. So....

Go to a magic shop or a place like Spencer's Gifts and buy one of those gadgets that is sort of barbell shaped that has a low boiling liquid that will boil when you hold it in your hand. Hold it and all the liquid moves to the bulb on the other end. Let it cool and the liquid returns to the bottom. This gives you a source of heat powered shifting weight.

Design a rocking platform with a crank-shaft to hold the gadget . Candle goes on the end that you would hold in your hand.

Theory of operation:

Heat gently with a candle, liquid boils and moves to other end, heated end rocks up away from candle, cools, rocks back down driving crank-shaft moving car.

Build it light and it should work.


Build a small boiler and make a steam jet powered car



This one is Time Consuming but Works, and I Think Every Young & Adult can Have Fun Using this Method.

Get Yourself a Candle which is about 4 Inches in Circumference, {Depending on how Big a Wheel you're working With} Cut the Candle into The Size of a Wheel you're going to Use, Make Four Wheels.

You will make Small Holes in the Wheels {Candle} :o) where an Axel Usually Goes, You will then Take a "Rubber Band" and Thread it through the Hole in the "Candle Wheel" and take a Wooden or Plastic Spool that Came from a Spool of Thread {Bobbin} and Put Wheels on one Sides of the Spool.

You will then put one Wheel on Both Sides of the Spool thread the RB Through Wheels and Spool. You Should now have a RB loop on Both Sides of the Contraption :o). You will find Yourself a 2 Round Popsicle Sticks {I Bet Right about Now you're thinking that I'm some Kinda Nut!}...Smile! Cut One of the Sticks in Half, take one Half and Thread it Through one End of one Loop, and do the same with the "Whole Stick" on the Other Loop.

With one Hand, "Hold the Cut Side Stick Firm" and With the Other Hand you Will Wind the RB "Clockwise" {For Forward Gear} and "Vice Versa for Reverse. You Now Have a Candle Powered "Thingamajig" Find a "Principle" to Hook it Up on Your Toys! Cut COGS on the Edge of the Spool for Traction.


The "Candle Wheel" MUST be SMALLER in Circumference than the Spool for it to RUN!...Spool is "0" and Candle is "o" Have Fun or go "COO COO" In the Attempt...:o) {Not to Worry! I Have it Patented"...Smile!

Edited by Ollied
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cheers guys, i had actually been on that page, just didnt read all the way down. much ta.

anyone else got any interesting ideas?

Rubber band powered propeller and use that to blow the car along?

I made a wicked-cool rubber band car in physics. It had 4 CDs on a fixed axle as driven wheels, running on three ceramic bearings and rubber bands stretched and glued around the rims for grip. It was about three foot long, to fit enough rubber bands in, and it was ridiculously fast for something so small. I made the frame from balsa wood with epoxy and carbon fibre, so it was really light and stiff. I had to add weight to the back to stop the wheels spinning, then I had to add weight to the front to stop it flipping over.

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