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Is It Me Or The Public Perception Of Trials Getting Better

Matt Vandart

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When I was riding in Brighton waiting outside a shop, I offered a tramp selling the big issue an apple - even with no front teeth he gladly accepted... Okay getting to the point, he asked shitloads about my bike and even passerbys stopped to look. And when i was pushing it through brighton I heard people saying 'what a funny looking bike' :L.

When I was in the bikeshop i asked if they sold seats for trials bikes :D and he was like lemme go check, I LOL'd! And said sorry mate I dont need a seat.

To me i think from when i started doing a little bit of it 2 years ago nobody knew what the f**k i was doing, and a man pushed me off a wall ARGH what a twat i told him to f**k off... And he did.

But now people are like ooooh :D

I think It is getting better but in small isolated areas the old people are f**king bitchy.

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Hmm sorry but i dont agree i dont think what danny mac is doing is trials to be honest.

I think he seems more along the lines of bmx/freeride and i think this may become a problem in the future maybe when everyone does ''trials''

where their accually doing more 24" freeride <_<

Anyone else agree ?

totally agree with you .

i meen yeah hes great to watch .

but its not trials at all . its urban freestyle or along the lines of BMX really .

and along the lines of public persiverence it has got better latley . but i have been asked if i can du tailwhips and backflips . and im like NOOOO i fekin cant .

Edited by trialsrider.chris
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I reckon i live in the most anti bike town in britian! I have had an old woman swing for me with her handbag! I've been chased by the police, ive been accused and detained by the police for decking someone with a scaffolding bar because a witness saw a youngster on a push bike! (i was completely innocent by the way!)

I've been verbally abused by shop owners, janitors, security guards and a traffic warden!

Not one person has ever stopped and said anything possitive to me ever!

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Hmm sorry but i dont agree i dont think what danny mac is doing is trials to be honest.

I think he seems more along the lines of bmx/freeride and i think this may become a problem in the future maybe when everyone does ''trials''

where their accually doing more 24" freeride <_<

Anyone else agree ?

Yes i agree also. Even though i wouldnt mind giving it ago myself i dont believe its true trials.

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...and to anyone who can't see that Danny's riding trials (oh noes, other influences too?!)

  • 180 degree wallridey tap thingy to wedge before hopping across a set of bike racks
  • Up to rail to MASSIVE drop
  • Up and over rails throughout (usually with a bit of a spin in there too which surely makes it harder?)
  • Riding along a sketchy spiky fence
  • etc etc etc

Seriously, don't drag the guy down for having fun on a bike and adding to the moves he does. Trials is about getting from A to B in a certain way, tackling whatever obstacles are there too. If he can throw in a spin or a flip along the way then fair play to the man!

Danny's done a huge amount for the public's view/knowledge of trials, be happy for that and do the same. If someone asks questions or asks you to move on, be polite, explain to them what they're asking or respect their wishes and move on. If you're an idiot to someone they'll think we all are, but it works the other way too.

Don't hate, celebrate.

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...and to anyone who can't see that Danny's riding trials (oh noes, other influences too?!)

  • 180 degree wallridey tap thingy to wedge before hopping across a set of bike racks
  • Up to rail to MASSIVE drop
  • Up and over rails throughout (usually with a bit of a spin in there too which surely makes it harder?)
  • Riding along a sketchy spiky fence
  • etc etc etc

Seriously, don't drag the guy down for having fun on a bike and adding to the moves he does. Trials is about getting from A to B in a certain way, tackling whatever obstacles are there too. If he can throw in a spin or a flip along the way then fair play to the man!

Danny's done a huge amount for the public's view/knowledge of trials, be happy for that and do the same. If someone asks questions or asks you to move on, be polite, explain to them what they're asking or respect their wishes and move on. If you're an idiot to someone they'll think we all are, but it works the other way too.

Don't hate, celebrate.

+1 Well said that man

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Hmm sorry but i dont agree i dont think what danny mac is doing is trials to be honest.

I think he seems more along the lines of bmx/freeride and i think this may become a problem in the future maybe when everyone does ''trials''

where their accually doing more 24" freeride <_<

Anyone else agree ?

Of course he is a trials rider! Despite some bmxy moves he is most definately doing trialsy stuff. I can't understand how people think its not trials?

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Of course he is a trials rider! Despite some bmxy moves he is most definately doing trialsy stuff. I can't understand how people think its not trials?

Because their a bunch of narrow minded indivduals. Im not going to draw this into a danny mac argument but he clearly does trials manouvers in his vids but with something not alot of riders understand its called style!

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Riders around my area usually get ignored.

We ride on a wall outside a police station, occasionally if theres only a few of us they'll ask us to move so we don't get hurt but thats it.

Almost everyone seems to think its better than the youth of today going around stabbing people.

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I,ve not really rid long enough to see any change in peoples views on trials,

I do believe if you present your self correctly ( Helmet, keep off peoples garden walls and be careful around old dears etc) we don,t seem to get bothered.

There is a Pcso round here who,s a complete pr!ck (yet proper coppers don,t mind), but most in village find it quiet interesting and often tell us they don,t mind as we could be out causing trouble and damage and what not. Made a fair few 65+ friends too :lol:

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