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Is It Me Or The Public Perception Of Trials Getting Better

Matt Vandart

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I have found that more and more often when I am out riding the public seams much more aware of what trials is.

It used to be that the only comments you got were "Wheres your seat" and "Thats a funny BMX". Recently I have noticed more people know what a trials bike is and are more interested in talking about the sport.

What do you think?

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When we're in the City's, we get a lot of attention off people asking about the sport, the bikes etc and people seem genuinely interested. But round where I live, pretty rural area, no one really gives us a second glance, and if they do, all we get is: Vandals, you're ruining them walls, someone had to pay for that wall blah blah.... Then hassle off the police, Council etc...

But yeah, in General I'd say the perception was getting better.

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yep ive defo noticed it i went in a local open skate park where its full of chavs and as i rode in i hered eveyone say wooooow! trials bike to which i left before some numpty tried to steal it lol but alot of people including younger kids notice it i tend to stop and talk to the younger gengeration that are really intrested that will get the sport growing

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All the crappy chav kids know what a trials bike is here, probably because they've researched bikes more expensive than a halfords BMX to steal and stumbled across it...

Other than that, nobody else knows what the hell I'm doing trying to ride over benches instead of just going round >.<

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Vandals, you're ruining them walls, someone had to pay for that wall blah blah.... Then hassle off the police, Council etc...

I get that alot too, was hopping about on a tiny rock next to this old womans house, mrs peckover... and she phones my folks and says im knocking stones of the walls.

I feel like going and giving her a peice of my mind!

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Good on him


im not sure what the original attitude was....but the interest seems to be pretty big up here, with even the neds (chavs) stopping and taking interest, taking pictures and being pretty cool with it in general

we were even at the catherdral playing about and two police came along and couldnt have been cooler abut it...just asked us to try staying off the pavements, but they were happy for us to carry on. at times a few even stop to watch and ask questions

only bad experience is with the priest in the church, and one passer by who felt we were being disrespectful to christianity....who finished off his rant with a pretty aggressive threat of violence if he were to see us again!

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im not sure what the original attitude was....but the interest seems to be pretty big up here, with even the neds (chavs) stopping and taking interest, taking pictures and being pretty cool with it in general

come to think of it, there have also been occasions where they've stopped and watched me attempt something over and over again til I got it, sighing when it didn''t go right and stuff, which is cool also.

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I get a mixed response it depends where abouts i am and who is comming past in my village the old people call me stupid and a vandal. But the younger adults dont care, nor do the police, and alot of the younger people think its cool.

I get the impresion that most people ask wheres your seat as a joke, rather than actually wondering why you have no seat.

But i get asked why my brakes squeek more then about my seat.

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I got one today and I quote " clearly the signs of a miss spent youth......and I say that in complete admiration of what you can do" Yeah i know im old but he was considerably older than me. Well happy with that. Still get filthy looks from 80% of the people out there mind.

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I don't get any good responses from it, but there's more of an acceptance to it, when i first started, everyone looked at me and looked at my bike, and sometimes they would ask about it, but now, as its become quite popular in our area, people dont even give us a second glance, they're used to it now :P You're obviously going to get the odd person that moans, like "dont you have somewhere else to be?" or "The council didnt pay for that just for it to be smashed up" and all that sh*t, but normally, no-one will bother us :)

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I got one today and I quote " clearly the signs of a miss spent youth......and I say that in complete admiration of what you can do" Yeah i know im old but he was considerably older than me. Well happy with that. Still get filthy looks from 80% of the people out there mind.

How old are you?

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Danny Mac.

Hmm sorry but i dont agree i dont think what danny mac is doing is trials to be honest.

I think he seems more along the lines of bmx/freeride and i think this may become a problem in the future maybe when everyone does ''trials''

where their accually doing more 24" freeride <_<

Anyone else agree ?

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Hmm sorry but i dont agree i dont think what danny mac is doing is trials to be honest.

I think he seems more along the lines of bmx/freeride and i think this may become a problem in the future maybe when everyone does ''trials''

where their accually doing more 24" freeride <_<

Anyone else agree ?

+1 (Y)

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Wait until summer all the holiday makers are around thats when "wheres your seat or do a wheelie mate".

Yesterday i was riding in my village [ old castle ruins ] rode there for about 3 years now no one has said anything then this old guy started screaming at me saying he had called the cops on me and stuff saying its illegal what i'm doing :S [ cops blatantly didn't come and he went home ]

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Wait until summer all the holiday makers are around thats when "wheres your seat or do a wheelie mate".

Yesterday i was riding in my village [ old castle ruins ] rode there for about 3 years now no one has said anything then this old guy started screaming at me saying he had called the cops on me and stuff saying its illegal what i'm doing :S [ cops blatantly didn't come and he went home ]

I normally say go on then and its happened about 6 times and they never come

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Hmm sorry but i dont agree i dont think what danny mac is doing is trials to be honest.

I think he seems more along the lines of bmx/freeride and i think this may become a problem in the future maybe when everyone does ''trials''

where their accually doing more 24" freeride <_<

Anyone else agree ?

On three occasions I've heard people mention danny mac when I'm out riding now. So I think people understand trials a bit better.

To be honest though, trials is a small sport and will always be. Theres no way its going to change either, sure it will grow but not much.

I hope trials stays a small, tight nit sport.

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Hmm sorry but i dont agree i dont think what danny mac is doing is trials to be honest.

I think he seems more along the lines of bmx/freeride and i think this may become a problem in the future maybe when everyone does ''trials''

where their accually doing more 24" freeride <_<

Anyone else agree ?

I'm competly against you.

All the people who have asked me about my bike have always refered to 'that guy on youtube' or 'Danny Mac'. They instantly reconise my zoo! as a trials bike and so do they with 24"

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I'm competly against you.

All the people who have asked me about my bike have always refered to 'that guy on youtube' or 'Danny Mac'. They instantly reconise my zoo! as a trials bike and so do they with 24"

Yea but with me its always been from bmxers ''so thats what danny mac does right ?''

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Thanks to Danny Mac, Kenny Belaey, and the worldwide web, there is greater public awareness about our sport which can only be a good thing in terms of growth and sustainablity for the industry and community. I remember an interesting conversation yrs ago (when i was riding my 2002 Onza T-Rex) with this dude who's only interest was to buy a trials bike as a fashion status rather than a functional one.

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