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Help With Side Hops


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I'm having a similar problem too atm. I find if the thing you want to side hop up is too small it makes me fudge up. But 4 pallets i just keep putting my foot down on. :ermm:

But i reckon that it is just commitment to the move, with me anyhoo. :D

You doing the from back wheel side hope or the from two wheels side hop?

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Try and land with both feet levelled horizontal. I find that if one feet is lower than the other, especially the foot next to the wall, I tend to lean to that side more resulting in me putting that foot down.

EDIT: Not completely horizontal, but if you land with the foot that's away from the wall slightly lower, should help. I'm guessing you're putting your foot down that's next to the wall cos you're leaning to that side too much.

Edited by weirdoku
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I have the same problem too.

It may help to read this section at trashzen.com REMOVING MENTAL BLOCKS

Everything it's in your mind.Start on low objects and go for bigger only when you're comfortable with the previous height.That has worked for me until now.

And BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.Before you make that sidehop tell to yourself that you are going to stick your foot to the pedal no matter what.

Hope that helps.


Edited by TrialZonn
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my biggest fear is missing the front wheel, when you get onto bigger side hops. I've done it and it really hurts, not to mention raping your forks. I should learn to side hop the 'correct' way i suppose

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I have just started to cure my self from this problem, for me it was to do with how i took of if i didnt feel right in the first place my foot came down, but if it felt like a good take of position it tended to stay on more oftern. What i also did was start bringing my knees up more to get the little bit more height.

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+1 on the relaxing sometimes i rush my take off which either results in me falling off, putting my foot down or just not attempting the sidehop. I think the best way to get it sorted is to practice on smaller things and work your way up to bigger things, also practice your technique over and over. Jordan =] x

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