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M-Cat Aka Mephedrone


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Basically I've noticed a fair amount of chat on the internetz and a little bit on here about the, "new extacy" club drug which has hit the UK massively particually in the D&B scene, the thing about the drug is though because it is "legal" its getting more and more mainstream. I'm going to be 100% honest and say I've done it a few times, but got a random nose bleed 2 days after taking it one time so totally stopped taking it now, but the times I have taken it its been amazing.

Just wondering what peoples thoughts and opinions are on here?

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Knowing a lot of people that do it, I'd say it's pretty nasty stuff. The comedowns are much longer and make some people extremely depressed / ill.

From what I've seen you need to do quite a lot of it to get the same buzz for as long, when compared to pills. I personally won't touch it because nobody knows what the long term effects are yet and it seems like quite a dirty drug.

If you take drugs already, stick to pills or coke. If you don't take drugs, don't start taking them - it's a downward spiral that I managed to get out of :)

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Alot of my mates do it and its good as long as you get decent stuff (along with most other drugs) i personal haven't heard any bad story's from them. Oh and with the problems with it giving you nose bleeds try rubbing it on your gums it has the same effect but no nose bleeds

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Its filthy. The most moreish, horrible horrible drug. I cant believe how quickly its taking over. Surely the benefits can never, ever outweigh that horrible reincarnate feeling you get for the next 3 days. oh and the fact that it feels like your sniffing glass is bad enough!!

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Dangerously cheap if you know where to look.

a common mistake is to think that MCAT is the same as Mepehdrone, but this is wrong, MCAT means “methcathinone” which is NOT Mephedrone (4-MMCAT)

Know what you're ingesting kids!

correct, although most dealers will sell methalone, methadrone/mephedrone(which are supposedly different) and methcathinone all as the same stuff(as there all basically a derivative of Methcathinone. Mephedrones being doing the rounds between my circle of friends for a few months(although as of yet ive avoided it), but in the last few weeks methalones started being more popular(basically think someone tried it when at a mates uni,and has come back and scooted round dealers till he found someone with it).

im slightly unsure on how dirty it is, as although everyone says its plant food,(in the same way salvia- the devil drug is sold as plant extract for research) im yet to find it being sold in b and q or wilkinsons. so whether it was ever used as plant food, then some idiot find out he got high of it, im unsure. (im also curious to see the price of it, if its actually being sold innocently as plant food somewhere), not that it isnt cheap as it is..

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The amount of people i've seen taking it, or that are on the buzz from it lately is ridiculous, gurning their tits off with big bug eyes acting like t**ts.

It does just seem like a ridiculously dirty drug that people only take 'cause they can generally get away with it and look "hard."

Some people are just idiots though I suppose.

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correct, although most dealers will sell methalone, methadrone/mephedrone(which are supposedly different) and methcathinone all as the same stuff(as there all basically a derivative of Methcathinone. Mephedrones being doing the rounds between my circle of friends for a few months(although as of yet ive avoided it), but in the last few weeks methalones started being more popular(basically think someone tried it when at a mates uni,and has come back and scooted round dealers till he found someone with it).

im slightly unsure on how dirty it is, as although everyone says its plant food,(in the same way salvia- the devil drug is sold as plant extract for research) im yet to find it being sold in b and q or wilkinsons. so whether it was ever used as plant food, then some idiot find out he got high of it, im unsure. (im also curious to see the price of it, if its actually being sold innocently as plant food somewhere), not that it isnt cheap as it is..

I doubt it really is plant food.

There's "Hit" room fresheners being sold in a local shop, which is actually just poppers... I'd not fragrance my room with it anyway.

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I doubt it really is plant food.

There's "Hit" room fresheners being sold in a local shop, which is actually just poppers... I'd not fragrance my room with it anyway.

yea, thats kinda my point, in that its not plant food, hence the reason its maybe not as dirty as people think(manufactured for that sole purpose, as a high purity vs pills where most of the stuff in it is filler, and your never sure how much mdma/amphetamine/ketamine your gettin in each one).

but then surely to market something as something,in the same way hit will fragrance your room, (granted itlll make it smell like poppers) this stuff's got to actually do something to plants(and as im fairly sure there not that into feeling eurphoric.

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yea, thats kinda my point, in that its not plant food, hence the reason its maybe not as dirty as people think(manufactured for that sole purpose, as a high purity vs pills where most of the stuff in it is filler, and your never sure how much mdma/amphetamine/ketamine your gettin in each one).

but then surely to market something as something,in the same way hit will fragrance your room, (granted itlll make it smell like poppers) this stuff's got to actually do something to plants(and as im fairly sure there not that into feeling eurphoric.

It could just be that meth / meph whatever is an ingredient in some plant food - look on a bottle of Baby Bio or something, it may well be in there. I doubt very much that it's an actual plant food though :)

Haha, Euphoric Cactus parties!!

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It doesn't have to do anything to plants, needs no testing to be sold as plant food as it's not for human consumption and therefore not regulated by the various H+S channels.

Go into any head shop and you'll be sure to see lots of 'plant food', it's the exploitation of a loophole our government only just cottoned on to.

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Id stay well clear of this shit. Im not sure if is true but apparantly someone in my area after a 14 hour binge on this stuff ripped his scrotem off.

The good news is that it is being made illegal soon and im pretty sure it dosnt have any thing to do with plants.

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Id stay well clear of this shit. Im not sure if is true but apparantly someone in my area after a 14 hour binge on this stuff ripped his scrotem off.

The good news is that it is being made illegal soon and im pretty sure it dosnt have any thing to do with plants.

haha, sorry if im not meant to laugh but that is hilarious!

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Like anything really its worth a try at least once in your life just don't go overdoing it, just treat it as an experience and leave it at that. Anyone with an ounce of self control tends to have a good time with no problems. To avoid bleeding noses, get a shot glass, 1/4 fill with boiling water then add your whatever and stir, then another 1/2 of cold water and down it.

Anyways, this is where its at now, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha-Methyltryptamine

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Like anything really its worth a try at least once in your life just don't go overdoing it, just treat it as an experience and leave it at that. Anyone with an ounce of self control tends to have a good time with no problems. To avoid bleeding noses, get a shot glass, 1/4 fill with boiling water then add your whatever and stir, then another 1/2 of cold water and down it.

Anyways, this is where its at now, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha-Methyltryptamine

So you would drink a shot af warm and cold water with some ketamin.

Good news is they're making it illegal?

Yeah, that worked really well with Ecstacy, Coke, Heroin...

Did not think of it that way but at the moment you can buy it of the internet witch is f**king stupid.

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Good news is they're making it illegal?

Yeah, that worked really well with Ecstacy, Coke, Heroin...

The main thing being that it's not an illegaly manufactured drug, it's a research chemical, RC's don't come through the various channels so it should curb the influx of this crap.

The scrotum story is untrue, it was a snippet off the sun website that the prohibitionists picked up and ran with. most of the isolated incidents you hear about have been embellished to some degree.

I get the impression most people don't understand what this stuff is and to be honest, if you don't know what you're firing up your coke chute, then you probably shouldn't be doing it.

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