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My Car I Roled Yesterday R.I.P Car


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dont be such a bender, girls roll cars too.

Though unfortunately I'll bet for every 1 girl that rolls a car, 10 lads do whilst thinking they're some kind of superhero race driver, showing off.

If that's the corner you were going round in pic 4 how on earth did you roll it mellow.gif

I was wondering this too...

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If that's the corner you were going round in pic 4 how on earth did you roll it mellow.gif

Glad no one was hurt though, be more careful in future especially if you have passengers!

No the car ended up the wrong way round some how cant realy remember it.

But i no when i gte my new car i wont speed anymore, ive learnet a valuable lesson the hard way. I would advice anyone not to drive like a dick or this happens.

Edited by matthew_coggan
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No the car ended up the wrong way round some how cant realy remember it.

But i no when i gte my new car i wont speed anymore, ive learnet a valuable lesson the hard way. I would advice anyone not to drive like a dick or this happens.


the stats for younger drivers are really quite scary, even more so when you have 1 or more passengers.

i mentioned something similar whilst chatting about helmets....its all very well getting the buzz etc from the speed, but if something does go wrong...just think about the consequences and how it could effect you and those close to you. seeing these things first hand, its just not nice....easily enough to change anyones habit.

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Reassuring to know the airbags worked correctly.

Assuming it's only got steering wheel/passenger airbags then it's not surprising since there doesn't look to be a big frontal impact. If they'd gone off they'd have just smashed him in the face and probably done him some serious harm!

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No the car ended up the wrong way round some how cant realy remember it.

But i no when i gte my new car i wont speed anymore, ive learnet a valuable lesson the hard way. I would advice anyone not to drive like a dick or this happens.

No - youve learnt the f**king easy way. the hard way would involve you killing someone/seriously injuring someone - either you know or that you dont know. I dont think anyone else really needs to be advised to not "drive like a dick" so thanks. And finally if it really has only taken this incident to make you realise that you should "not speed anymore" (which I read as basically driving like a twat) then you are a total Douche - especially for essentially bragging about it by posting up pictures on the internet.

If you want to drive like a maniac - take it to a track - f**k. SAKE.

That's the wrong lesson to take from this, just remember not to go quite so fast on that particular piece of road in those conditions!

f**k. SAKE.

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Airbags are shit. My first experience of them taught me that, I recieved more serious and longer lasting injuries from that going off than the crash itself. Ever since then first mod if to unplug, smash or remove airbags..Or just buy a car with none.

Good effort though dude! I like your style!

is this some sort of a joke?!

you are promoting the idea of not using something that has literally had billions invested into testing, development and research?! even if you were to ignore the statistics what straight away tell you how wrong you are, its a joke of a comment to come out with.

as for the bit highlighted in bold....i dont think 'idiot' even comes close

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Think everyone here slating him here is a bit of a dick to be honest, kinda harsh.

Yes, I know speeding is idiotic, and someone could of got seriously hurt, or killed. But having known that, i'm sure he wouldn't of done it. Own up, how many drivers on here, have sped in a silly place?

Now this has happened, he'll of realised how easy it can be to cause serious harm, and the chances are, he'll be shit scared of it happening again, therefore will drive safely and not like a bit of a knob like in the first place. He's admitted he was driving like a bit of a tit, speeding ect... Takes a lot to admit to that, he's also admitted that a lessons been taken from it, he could of quite easily just blamed ice, or a stone in the road.

Give him a break.

Bumming over.

how can you not know this before you get behind the wheel?

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to be honest it's in my mind all the time, but I still do it.

Look at the road, it's not built up, it looks like it's in the middle of nowhere, It's not really wide enough to go fast in a car on but never mind, it's mostly there. He just got it wrong. His choice of speeding spot isn't actually that bad.

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how can you not know this before you get behind the wheel?

stop being soo f**kin boring, lighten up a bit.

i dunno why everyone has a go, he was havin a bit of fun, shit happens, move on. Bunch of tossers, you lot sound like a bunch of old men.

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I think everybody should get off their high horses, and stop being so f**king hypocritical.

EVERYBODY has sped at some point. As Muel said, its (what appears to be, by all accounts) a quiet country lane in the middle of nowhere. If anybody here who drives can tell me they have never pushed there car along a country road at somepoint, then I will stand down; but until then, everybody saying "you were driving like a dick" etc etc, needs to think about what they are saying. I can quite honestly say I would have put my foot down if I was on the same road, I'm not enough of a hypocrit to say otherwise. At least he wasn't ragging it through a residential area at rush hour. Of all the places to crash, the place he "chose" was the most forgiving.

Hopefully lessons will be learnt from it, but to say you will never speed again is very wishful thinking! Sure, you'll take it easy for a while, but you'll soon be back to how you were. As much as you try not to, its just a pyschological thing in a car, you feel invincible.

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stop being soo f**kin boring, lighten up a bit.

i dunno why everyone has a go, he was havin a bit of fun, shit happens, move on. Bunch of tossers, you lot sound like a bunch of old men.

because its f**king idiots like yourself who seem to think that its ok who end up causing the crashes...which in turn has the obvious effect to everyone directly involved. if you cant equate the traumatic side of things - it not only costs us all in increased insurance, but each crash that goes wrong costs upwards of a million of the tax payers money.


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