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Uni Work - 5 Questions About You To Help Me Out.


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So one of my assignments has centered itself around rhythm. More specifically, different methods of construction.

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The four rhythms have been composed using different methods.

Just 5 quick questions to answer please:

(1) Please place write out the letters of the examples in order of your preference - first being the best, last being the worst.

(2) Try to explain why you chose the first in the list as your favorite.

(3) Do you prefer a complex, or simple rhythm in the music you listen to through choice?

(By "simple", I mean like dance, or pop music. Not at all like: "HURR DURR HE LISSENZ 2 DANSE HEZ STOOPID LAWL". I hope you'll understand what I'm asking for - I don't quite know how to word it.)

(4) Are you a musician?

(5) What genre of music do you most often listen to?

(Name ONE, please. Most listened to at the moment, most of on your MP3 player, most played overall - I don't mind how you come to your decision, but just one genre please.)

Thanks a bunch :)

P.S. - before you suggest a poll - 'cause I KNOW someone will (:P) I need to be able to draw conclusions like "Musicians prefer complex rhythms" etc, and polls are anonymous.

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2) It's regular but more complex than something like D. It would suit more music like I'd listen to.

3) I like to be able to pick out a regular beat. Dodgy beats like 7/8 are cool because it's more difficult to play, but it can take a bit of effort to listen to, lol. Something like that.

4) Sort of.

5) Alternative/Punk, as iTunes would call it.

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B -

is offbeat, skanky etc. Going the way of reggae, dubstep etc

I tend to listen to music with simple drums, but fairly complex percussion. Not like pop/rock at all. Sorry to be difficult.

Yes, 'cello

Tech house

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It's fresh, not in silly timing so everyone can 'get it', but is still a bit funky and tidy.

I prefer a beat to be a bit techy but still fairly regular so it doesn't distract from the main elements of a track (assuming it's part of a track and not a drum track in its own right, of course!)

Yes, I play guitar and do a little DJing/producing when I get the chance

At the mo, probably listening most to electro/mashup stuff :)

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1 | BACD

2 | The rhythm has more of a 'swing' feel to it and slightly syncopated so not dead on beat.

3 | I like a simple beat with a variation on the fills just to add a bit of spice. But I also enjoy listening and picking out technical rhythms.

4 | I used to play bass guitar

5 | According to itunes Alternative/Rock

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2 Funky irregular beat, could be used in a veriety of genres. Doesn't feel as repetative as the others.

3 Prefer complex rhythms as I prefer to be able to pick them out and distinguish from one to another, as i listen to quite a lot music with less complex leads

4 Yeah, guitar and occasionally piano and mainly dubstep/dnb and occasionally other music production

5 Dubstep

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2) It was the most original, although I don't think the placement of the last kick each time is right - it's a bit distracting

3) Definitely complex for me... I am into the Fall of Troy style structures and timings and changes

4) Yes, guitar & vocals these days but ex drummer for what it's worth in these questions

5) Hard/Math Rock

There you go (Y)

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