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What Do You Think Of The Acs Claws Ffw?


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Work fine, fairly decent engagements......if youre on a budget or beginner then not a bad choice. I ran one for about 9 months? Still got it and works perrfick :)

Sweet! Would you recommend me getting one or Should i go for a different one?

I've had good ones and bad ones- the quality just isn't there compared to the 'proper' trials freewheels. I finally gave up on claws when one lasted me a week. If you can afford something better go for it but the ACS should still do it's job fairly well if you need to keep to a budget.

How did it brake? And id you buy it new?

Thanks for your help guys.


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Sweet! Would you recommend me getting one or Should i go for a different one?

How did it brake? And id you buy it new?

Thanks for your help guys.


If that's all the dolla you have, then yep..

If you can stretch to it, Tensile 60/90 click/ echo tr...all seem damn good freewheels for the moneys :)

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I think its down to a combination of how you ride, and if you happen to get one thats been made properlly. Tolerances are all over the place on them.

Personally, I would play it safe and get a Tensile or similar. Drivetrain is something you shouldn't really skimp on.

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