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Chip And Bin!


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Heard this story on Radio-1 on friday 5th, that the government are secretly working with local councils in microchipping our bins so that when the new laws passes parliament, councils will have powers to charge us for how much litter we throw out. Makes you wonder what else has been microchipped under our noses.

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Heard this story on Radio-1 on friday 5th, that the government are secretly working with local councils in microchipping our bins so that when the new laws passes parliament, councils will have powers to charge us for how much litter we throw out. Makes you wonder what else has been microchipped under our noses.

I wouldnt worrie so much about chips and trakers in bins . If anyone hasent seen zigeist or new world order on the net saying they want this rubbish inside humas to limit where and how far they go also to see what and where they spend there money they should find it NOW !!! God damm goverment could run a kids paly ground let alone our great country up the ENGLAND

Edited by scotty007
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I seem to have missed the bit where me paying £1500 a year council tax doesn't pay for them to collect my god damn bins... it's like having road tax but also making every road a toll road. If this goes ahead the only thing that'll happen is that fly tipping cases will go through the roof and the countryside will turn into one huge pile of crap.

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Does anyone remember the movie ALIENS in that scene where they search for the colonies PDT's (Personal Data Transmitter which is surgically implanted). How long will that science fiction become science fact......

You're comparing human life with waste management.

Think of it as some massive conspiracy if you will, but it's not your human right to dispose of waste. This microchipping of bins has been in and out of the headlines for the past few years - the implimentation of such a measure is a huge cost...think of the fitting, monitoring and admin costs involved. On the other hand, if it were to come into effect, you'd only pay for the waste you personally generate - is it fair that you pay the same amount than someone who doesn't recycle and creates twice the amount of waste?

Don't be so paranoid about everything you read in the paper. If you were to live in the ways of the Daily Mail you'd instantly get cancer, pay all your taxes to immigrants and never leave your home in fear of getting shot, stabbed or molestered by a pervert.

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I'm not sure chip and bin is the way forward.

Education should come first (i know its been done to death). If someone is constantly abusing the waste system and not recycling, they should be chipped to monitor them.

I'm quite surt the majority of the UK tries its best to recyle, where as some just don't give a shit.

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as with anything new (if it happened) there would be a load of complaining etc etc....at the end of the day though, you get on with it and accept that there could actually be some benefits behind such a system. as anzo said, "you'd only pay for the waste you personally generate - is it fair that you pay the same amount than someone who doesn't recycle and creates twice the amount of waste?"

to get mass participation in anything you need incentive or punishment. its a shame that things often need to come to this, but if the government isnt going to monitor something like this, who will? a scheme like this wouldnt come out if it was being sufficiently monitored at the moment. with the price of a small chip vs the price of a bin, its easily conceivable and id like to think in time, the system will balance out to be as fair to everyone as possible*

* no offence, but fatter people get extra allowance?! (as well as those with high metabolism/high amounts of exercise...)

IF a scheme like this were to come out, there would be a huge amount of pressure put on the food companies with reguards to their packaging. not only by the government, but the consumer aswell. that surely can only be a good thing in the long run?

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