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Wb Tooo Short Unsure Of Forks Offset Diffeerences


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hay guys ive moved from a 07 python(short) with 07 python forks which gave me a 1025mm WB to a echo team 09 short with echo urban forks giving me a 1000mm WB ive looked at WB and fork offsets i just want to make sure im right in saying that the urbans are a 35 offset and trialtechs are 45 so there for if i got the trialtechs i can increase my WB by extra 10mm?

ive never been bothered about GEO and WB but now ive moved frames ive noticed my riding has suffered ive come to a conculsion of getting a longer frame and forks or just forks but is there anything else i can do longer stem etc?

Edited by DEZ
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Longer stem would do the trick.

i had a older stem which was tiny like 130mm with 25 rise i think ive changed for atomz stem which is 150 by 30 rise and it still feels short was gonna go for a echo sl 175 with a 35 rise or is a 30 better?

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Higher is good too, it gives you more cockpit room, which is what you're looking for. A long frame feels longer because there's more cockpit room. Just increasing the wheelbase with forks won't really make the difference you're looking for. Either a new stem, or a new frame, sadly.

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Higher is good too, it gives you more cockpit room, which is what you're looking for. A long frame feels longer because there's more cockpit room. Just increasing the wheelbase with forks won't really make the difference you're looking for. Either a new stem, or a new frame, sadly.

ah that makes sense but i still struggle with surges i cant fit on things that i used too dont knowm weather to get differnt forks or bite the bullet and get a longer frame

just measured the wb with 07 python forks and shes 1010mm so little improvment im thinking the trial tecs !

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You won't feel the difference in wheelbase if you get other forks.

grrrr new frame then anything youd recommend longer was looking at the lynx as i have a 07 python whats the deal with higher bb ?

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