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Lincoln Ride


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looking for lincolnshire riders sick of traveling around for a gud ride. there has gota be a few boys out there who never ride the city. you should all get your selfs down dont matter how gud you are i enjoy ridin with any rider. well hope this gets out n about would be nice to see some new faces were strtin to get bored of each other lol hard work ridin with the same ugly mugs all the time lol get back to me lads n if not were about most weekens everyone is welcome though would just be nice to have some local boys. peace out guys...

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i live down near skeggy , need to come to lincoln to ride looks good.

Depending on when and the weather ill be down for this.

nice one man were tryin to get a few of us out not this weekend but next would be gud to ride with u man alwals gud to hang around with new guys lol im just settin things up god its takin ages findin everyone on this thing lol peace out man n keep in touch yer

tom musson and karl pelger are from lincoln

both gud mates lol there some of the ugly ones lol were all on a mish to find some new lads to ride with n new spots x

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How oftern do you ride there?

like i said most weekends. about 12 we meet up ask ogre for wiggis num tell him dean said to give it to you n send him a tx my phone is broke lol n thats the best way to get hold of us mate.....

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i sound tempted by a lincoln ride, Ogre on here is from lincoln i think

yer he is never out though he spends more time on here than his bike thats y he is shit. though he was out this sunday so cant moan to muchlol i prefer to ride. like i said its more about findin some more people to ride with the more the merryer i say..

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like i said most weekends. about 12 we meet up ask ogre for wiggis num tell him dean said to give it to you n send him a tx my phone is broke lol n thats the best way to get hold of us mate.....

Yeah i will have to ask him for it.

when i go i normally ride Uni, College brayford and waterside, and now outside Topman since seeing ogre's pictures there.

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Yeah i will have to ask him for it.

when i go i normally ride Uni, College brayford and waterside, and now outside Topman since seeing ogre's pictures there.

yer man all the usual spots there r a few others though thats y we need a big ride i dont think people know how many gud spots there are. loads of hidden loadin bays n big gaps kickin about

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yer man all the usual spots there r a few others though thats y we need a big ride i dont think people know how many gud spots there are. loads of hidden loadin bays n big gaps kickin about

Yeah manam up for a big ride some time, I ride most weekends just depends on the weather.

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Yeah manam up for a big ride some time, I ride most weekends just depends on the weather.

dude can u give me some help gettin off all this newb stuff on here its doin my head in. i aint shit n i aint a newb n its irritatin lol

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I dunno how many times I can vote but ive done 1 allready.

cheeeeeeeeerrrs mate the sooner i get off here the sooner i can start askin more people to get there arses down lol thanx again man x

have a vote off me too, i want this to go ahead.

thanks alot man i will keep in touch to. sic of people sayin there is a leeds ride or a london ride y not a lincoln ride? thanks again 4 the vote x

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yeh same you want to try and get down to mansfield on the 10th of april, some good riders going

will do mate im lookin to ride alot more tryin to make my first real vid to try get my ridin out there. did a sick 51 inch sidhop the other day. hurt my hip like but its all gud lol

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nice one bud

cheers lol just cnt squeeze them last few inches out yet lol but i will am out every nite tryin to jump higher or go further ha ha my bird just said im a freak for talkin on this stupid forum fukin dizzy bitch lol

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cheers lol just cnt squeeze them last few inches out yet lol but i will am out every nite tryin to jump higher or go further ha ha my bird just said im a freak for talkin on this stupid forum fukin dizzy bitch lol

LoL you sound abit like me ive only just got back in to it after givin it like a year out and am out like evry night practicing. but am shit and cant side hop at all i could do with riding with people that no abit about it so they can tell me where am going wrong.

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well time for bed boys but keep the replys comin in i will get back to you all am reli tryin to make this a big thing. some gud ridin in lincoln n it getts overlooked

thanks again boys lookin forward to talkin to some of u on the proper forum soon take care n ride hard............

......peace out.....................................

LoL you sound abit like me ive only just got back in to it after givin it like a year out and am out like evry night practicing. but am shit and cant side hop at all i could do with riding with people that no abit about it so they can tell me where am going wrong.

defo man like i said i dont care who i ride with i just wana have a laugh n get out off town a bit more [i live in gains} n yer ur rite we r alike lol i just come bak after 8 long months out n cant get enough lol

always a friendly atmosphere to look forward to meetin you

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