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I'M In Hospital

Dan S

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An early appendicitis (I assume this is what you had?) can mimic any cause of abdominal pain - E.g. if you ate a bad curry etc. You certainly wouldn't put everyone with that pain through the risks of an appendectomy, so it's very difficult to see someone in the early stages of appendicitis and say for definite one way or the other. All you can do is wait and see what happens - if the pain improves, great. If it worsens then you might get closer to an answer. It sounds like the only thing that went wrong was you leaving it too late to go back to hospital - perhaps the first hospital didn't explain to come back if the pain gets worse?

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The last 2 posts are spot on, good insightful stuff. From my experience what they are saying is completely accurate.

Firing the doctors will achieve nothing and is short minded. I understand your angry, honestly i do - but a proper explanation is worth more than any monetary compensation. Your health is more important than anything, and you should be please you still have that.

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