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You're not going far enough back my man... Master System (wasn't that 32 bit too? lol) and Megadrive were the first couple I had. Can't even remember the competition to those...

32 bit? are you kidding? The first play station was 32 bit and used CD's which were revolutionary.

It started off with the 8bit Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and the Sega Master system. Then the 16bit Mega Drive and Super Nintendo came out.

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32 bit? are you kidding? The first play station was 32 bit and used CD's which were revolutionary.

It started off with the 8bit Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and the Sega Master system. Then the 16bit Mega Drive and Super Nintendo came out.

That is right.

Although the PS1 wasn't really revolutionary, the magadrive has a 32bit CD extension made or it.

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32 bit? are you kidding? The first play station was 32 bit and used CD's which were revolutionary.

It started off with the 8bit Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and the Sega Master system. Then the 16bit Mega Drive and Super Nintendo came out.

I was talking graphics, not processor architectures. 8bit processor and 32bit graphic = 32 possible colours, although I could be getting it totally wrong... Wiki has deets

Edited by JD™
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What your forgetting is xbox 360 was released before the PS3 and pretty much started the on-line gaming revolution. So what you pay £3 quid a month, all in all the service is better. The last time the servers went down it was for 15mins and that was on purpose for the termination of original xbox live. Also RRod is a bullshit reason not to buy an xbox. Some people have had it once some six times, some never. Cars break down and people still buy them don't they? And before you say I only own an Xbox I dont I have a PS3 too and online it just isn't the same! PSN has basically copied live in everything. Trophys? erm they are achievements in xbox, Downloadable game demos? xbox first.

Im all for people opinions but the xbox would probably be the best console Ive owned and ive had RRod once. I didnt get Red rings then go "Oh s**t my xbox is shagged lets buy a PS3" I sent it off for free and coped without xbox FOR A WHOLE WEEK OMFG!!!!!!


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Google for the SNES Emulator and ROMs if you fancy a bit of a blast from the past - loadsa fun!

whack an xbox controller into your PC for even more effect :D

First console for me was a NES, I still have it, I'm contemplating cleaning it out and getting it going again, zelda ***

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What your forgetting is xbox 360 was released before the PS3 and pretty much started the on-line gaming revolution. So what you pay £3 quid a month, all in all the service is better. The last time the servers went down it was for 15mins and that was on purpose for the termination of original xbox live. Also RRod is a bullshit reason not to buy an xbox. Some people have had it once some six times, some never. Cars break down and people still buy them don't they? And before you say I only own an Xbox I dont I have a PS3 too and online it just isn't the same! PSN has basically copied live in everything. Trophys? erm they are achievements in xbox, Downloadable game demos? xbox first.

Im all for people opinions but the xbox would probably be the best console Ive owned and ive had RRod once. I didnt get Red rings then go "Oh s**t my xbox is shagged lets buy a PS3" I sent it off for free and coped without xbox FOR A WHOLE WEEK OMFG!!!!!!


Playstation3 was supposto be leased in 2005 same as the xbox 360 if i'm not mistaken Sony decided to keep it back for another year to make improvements and make it more reliable, Sony is a better company from my point of view. Microsoft rushed to get the 360 out and in doing so made it a ... EPIC FAIL


and the powerpack on the 360. how anoying is it achually honestly. They should of put it in the console like sony :)


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Playstation3 was supposto be leased in 2005 same as the xbox 360 if i'm not mistaken Sony decided to keep it back for another year to make improvements and make it more reliable, Sony is a better company from my point of view. Microsoft rushed to get the 360 out and in doing so made it a ... EPIC FAIL


and the powerpack on the 360. how anoying is it achually honestly. They should of put it in the console like sony :)


Sure "improvements" when it had not been on sale? Not saying anything about Sony cos I don't exactly think Microsoft is great. The noise? :S what are you on about its the same noise compared to my PS3. And who cares about the noise when your playing a game which will more than likely covering up the noise especially on CoD when every five seconds you hear "frag in" or "throwing stun grenada" aswell as the smelter of hot lead being "popped into some bitches asses." And the power pack doesn't annoy me in the slightest, mines hidden under the desk and is only moved when the xbox changes rooms. Your also forget the old PS3 was huge aswell and now is in a second generation where as xbox 360 only has one generation so obviously there is going to be improvements over wise there would be no point of releasing one surely?

Edited by LukasMcNeal
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What your forgetting is xbox 360 was released before the PS3 and pretty much started the on-line gaming revolution.

PSN has basically copied live in everything. Trophys? erm they are achievements in xbox, Downloadable game demos? xbox first.


It's all old technology mate, and no, they haven't copied each other at all - they're pretty much standard functions within any online gaming platform and I imagine that all platforms are designed along side game developers to enchace the best features of online play.

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If we're doing the "Yeah well I played something even more shit than that" competition, I started out on Acorns, BBC's and the Spectrum :)

10 minutes at least to load from a cassette, with the most vile noise ever, then it would fail and you'd have to reload - by the time you got to play you couldn't be bothered anymore haha.

Proper classic games though.

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If we're doing the "Yeah well I played something even more shit than that" competition, I started out on Acorns, BBC's and the Spectrum :)

10 minutes at least to load from a cassette, with the most vile noise ever, then it would fail and you'd have to reload - by the time you got to play you couldn't be bothered anymore haha.

Proper classic games though.

We had an Acorn as our computer in Primary school - we had 20 minutes sessions on it and then the next student could go on it, that was just one computer, now they have a posh IT suite.

I distinctively remember that computer as when I was playing a game involving some rather pixelated fruit, my teach announced to the class that we would be doing sex education.

Not many people can identify a day where two things altered there lives on a single day....sex and computers.

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No I am 16. And I've always been along the Sony road.

The original playstation was released the same year you were born so i'd say you're closer to having just stepped off the pavement to be honest.

I don't get why everyone's arguing... aside from the fact children like to boast and belittle others in an attempt to secure themselves socially. If we are going to turn this into a discussion can we at least look at it objectively? I'm talking actual differences between them as opposed to "why pay for online when it should be free". Why has nobody pointed out that the joysticks on the ps3 controllers are all floppy because they're only 2-axis as opposed to the 360's 3-axis ones? Why has nobody mentioned about where all the "live account" money goes to, with it especially NOT going towards dedicated servers in order to get rid of the p2p hosting system?

The ps3 has had its fair share of issues, numerous consoles have had drive failures (i have a broken one upstairs) and there was the whole blue ray diode fiasco a while back. The 360 has a list of problems too, but in fairness the RROD is fixed for free and usually back within 1-2 weeks which is pretty damn good for a console RMA.

At the end of the day they're both very similar and it's just a case of specific titles, which controller you prefer and whatever your mates have that dictate which one is better FOR YOU. Throw away comments on either one "sookin ma consol3's d!ck!" are just amounting to kids in the playground looking like t00ls because they're insecure.

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