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Warning All Ps3 Users!


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A desk/laptop.

Desktop, WINNER.

Also, its my belief that the XBOX 360 is the most overrated piece of shit ever.

If it wasn't for the rediculous amount you have to spend on games and monthly live thingys, and the fact that its unreliable, I would actually rate it.

Anyway, back to the rare PS3 error.

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My Slim is working fine :P but apparently it only affects the 'fat' ones? Sounds like a leap year bug all over again. I don't think ive played more than 2 games on my ps3 but it makes a good blu-ray player.

On a side note my 360 is also working just fine and much more fun for games ;)

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This ps3 error is only temporary. The Playstation Network is down all over the world until tomorrow.

You're missing the point. They're both good at what they do and ultimately most people have far too much to do to be sitting here arguing about red rings and other shite.

If you want something that does most things well get a PC or Mac, if you want something that costs £50 a game, get a console.

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Hey, thanks for informing me on this, i thought my PS3 had broke, but its fine!

Yeah "console wars" as they are known are pretty lame. You have one or the other, they both have there advantages and disadvantages, so just live with it? Its just a console?

Well i geuss we can agree the Wii is infact "Puu".

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Its a Games console ffs, stop arguing over which is best, no one gives a sh*t.

Although, I will say I prefer my PS3 over xbox- had my PS3 since the day it came out, not a single problem. Been through 3 xbox's in 2 years, both of which RROD'd more than 6 times EACH.

Not that I play much, I'd prefer to be out riding my cycle, or masturbating.

Loves, Danny Bazz


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PSN is now back online!

Thank f**k for that. Too many PS3 owning dickheads on XBL last night... :rolleyes:

That argument definitely kept me entertained though. It's amazing how important these sort of things are to young lads, and were to most of us once too.

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One problem with the PS3 and it's "should have got an xbox". Seriously?

Since 2005 the xbox 360 has been full of problems. Terribly un-reliable pile of junk. Where as the PS3 has happily gone by without any problems. It's taken Xbox until the end of 2009 to release a new chipset (Jasper) to finally sort out the problems.

If you would have got a Xbox instead of a PS3 it's likely you would have sent it back 5 times by now.

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That argument definitely kept me entertained though. It's amazing how important these sort of things are to young lads, and were to most of us once too.

Indeed, although the consoles we had competing were Dreamcast, PS1 and N64...these kids know f**k all.

I was playing 64 bit graphics in Baghdad whilst you lot were still in your Dads bag.

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Indeed, although the consoles we had competing were Dreamcast, PS1 and N64...these kids know f**k all.

I was playing 64 bit graphics in Baghdad whilst you lot were still in your Dads bag.

You're not going far enough back my man... Master System (wasn't that 32 bit too? lol) and Megadrive were the first couple I had. Can't even remember the competition to those...

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You're not going far enough back my man... Master System (wasn't that 32 bit too? lol) and Megadrive were the first couple I had. Can't even remember the competition to those...

Yep, I recall the Megadrive, MS, SNES, NES, Commodore 64.

Out of all of them I think SNES was the most entertaining.

Google for the SNES Emulator and ROMs if you fancy a bit of a blast from the past - loadsa fun!

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