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Side Hop Help


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Hi, I am practing my side hops, before i used to hop to my forward foot side but after watching a ryan leech tutorial, I was told to hop to my back foot side this feels weird but i have practiced it and i am gettin better, but i always have to plant my front wheel first and then lift the back wheel on, but i could do the same size hop landing both wheels at the same time going front foot side.

Should i keep doing it the front foot side or stop doing before i get any bad habits???

By the way my side hops are still pretty bad :P

Cheers guys


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If it gets you on the wall, its a sidehop.

Do whichever way feels comfortable to you.

I learnt to forward foot, pushed myself to learn in the direction of my back foot (so I could tuck better and therefore go higher), and eventually got that too.

Just remember that a lot of riders out there sidehop in the direction of their forward foot. Neil Tunnicliffe being one of them, and I think he can do about 50".

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If it gets you on the wall, its a sidehop.

Do whichever way feels comfortable to you.

I learnt to forward foot, pushed myself to learn in the direction of my back foot (so I could tuck better and therefore go higher), and eventually got that too.

Just remember that a lot of riders out there sidehop in the direction of their forward foot. Neil Tunnicliffe being one of them, and I think he can do about 50".

Cool thanks for the advice.

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Do what you feel best doing, however, siding with your front foot away from the wall will help you in future. It has really helped me improve and fast!

Its better because in future, going bigger, will mean your foot will not clip the wall on going up.

keep practicing and getting bigger will help you land flat

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I think you should practice in both directions, I can do almost the same heights either way, It will benefit in the future so you can vary your riding, It will help with your competition/natural riding, sometimes you will not always be able to sidehop to your favourite side because of the layout of the course etc.

Or if you really want to be good and sidehop with either foot in either direction check this out.



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I think you should practice in both directions, I can do almost the same heights either way, It will benefit in the future so you can vary your riding, It will help with your competition/natural riding, sometimes you will not always be able to sidehop to your favourite side because of the layout of the course etc.

Or if you really want to be good and sidehop with either foot in either direction check this out.



Thanks for that, the video is pretty nuts (Y)

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