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Free Paypal?

Alex Dark

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Interest rates are a load of shite at the moment so the only way paypal will be making money is by the fee's. Plus if they are making money doing that way and there isn't really anyone to compete with them they wouldn't just make it free all of a sudden deep into a recession.

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Actually, that looks legit to me. No phishing scam will ever know your name (Hello Alex Dark). Quick search leads to this which seems to support what it's saying. Interesting.

Simple, fast and free

Sending money to friends and family is free when you pay through your bank account or PayPal account balance and the funds become available to them in minutes.

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I'm still sticking with legit firstly because they use his name (sure, his email's alexdark2, but no way phishers personalise each email they send out), second they have all the Paypal adverts down the bottom with promo codes, thirdly the legit email (I assume it came from info.paypal.co.uk which is legit) and finally because it's supported by what the real Paypal site says.

But as Tomturd says, hovering over a link will tell you that it's legit straight away (Y).

Edit: and finally because I've just found a message I deleted the other day from paypal@info.paypal.co.uk exactly like that offering me a Paypal Mastercard which is 100% legit.


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Regardless of whether the email is real or not (looks real to me) paypal transactions within the country have been free for a while. So long as you have a direct debit set up, or already have the funds in your account there is no fee.

If you have it set up to go through your card there's still fee.

Because of this is was also changed to give you the option of whether the sender will be fe'ed or the receiver.

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