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Landing Backwards On Rear Disk

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Just land without brakes? :) Generaly smoother and looks better too (so good it can look if you fail a move)

One issue with discs is that when the hub turns from the disc stopping, spokes can take dammage, so it will always be a risk to lock a disc brake ^^

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Ahh i see your problem now Greg, i didn't fully understand today on the ride. Erm when i was trying 360s on my jump bike, and landing 180 with the brake locked, i found the rotor bolts came loose after a while, along with the caliper mount bolts. Keep everything tight and you should be fine.

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drive a car in reverse and slam on the brakes, do they explode? ever heard of it? you're fine

That makes sense doesnt it? Maybe considering on a bike there is 2 small bolts holding the caliper on and 6 tiny 1's on the disk. Slighy differnt i would have thought? But weight is to take into consideration!

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That makes sense doesnt it? Maybe considering on a bike there is 2 small bolts holding the caliper on and 6 tiny 1's on the disk. Slighy differnt i would have thought? But weight is to take into consideration!

It will be fine, you bolts on the caliper and disc will be fine. You should only worry when using an oversize disk on a poop frame they tend to break. Your's will be fine. :)

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