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Ahh f**k yeah, I remember that bit :) I thought that the narration during that bit was just talking genericly about the couples, and which were the parents to be of the main character. Didn't pick up on the fact that he was making a choice.

Still don't remember that :/

I thought it was more arrrregh.. dead

I'd go with the ADD to be fair.

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Ok, I missed some key parts then :/

"When he was born" .. I didn't know that bit, was that visual or implied?

"Blow the leaf" I saw that bit, and the refernces to the butterfly effect, buy never linked it.

"Kid in the theatre" don't recall that bit

"Whispered her name" never heard that.. what the hell was I doing?!

I saw the old guy in the end scene and it looked like he went back into the past, never heard him speak :×

Given that I obviously missed/lost consciousness/overlooked some vital que's, the film presented its self a bit like butterfly effect and sliding doors, but as abstract as tree of life. (Imagine how bad that was :P ) definitely didn't view the film as you did!

Going for the jacket next, might try and concentrate. Ooo a passing cloud...

*your English was cool btw

Mate, were you even watching the film? These were by no means points that were glossed over :P

I watched Mr.Nobody last night. It was very odd for the first 20 minutes, and that slowly settled to just odd by the hour mark and then flat-lined/you were acclimated to it. I still feel like I watched a very strange film, but if you can pay attention to a film for 2h40m I'd highly recommend it. It was an interesting story, was quite captivating and I guarantee you've not watched a film like it, so it's worth a shout if you've run out of films to watch.

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I watched oblivion the other night, very strange

I enjoyed Oblivion. I'm not sure if it was because I was trapped on a plane when I was watching it, but it was quite enjoyable just because it was different. I felt the end didn't really come together as it should have done though. That was definitely the weakest part of the film for me.

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Did you watch Moon ?

that one is somewhere between Oblivion and 2001: A Space Odyssey

Super good

+1 for Moon.

And any more conspiracy films includes "The Game" with the amazing Mikey Douglas - such an amazing actor and a fantastic film.

And another one of my favs that I always rave on a bout - Vanilla sky

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Shutter (korean version) so it's got sub titles.

The american one is garbage.

T'was pretty good, laughed at the piggy back though. Scarier in hindsight though, my avoidance of Asian girls has increased.

Kings of Summer is really good. Genuinely very funny in a not throwing gags in your face kind of way.

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