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Took the kids to see Lego movie :) I thought was cool.

Took daughter to watch that on Wednesday, quite enjoyed it. So many references to The Matrix, which happens one of my favourite films

Got a few films lined up to watch next, Enders Game, All Is Lost and Only God Forgives which I'm really looking forward to. In a totally non gay way Ryan Gosling is awesome!

Enders game is good, I can imagine it being a straight out you like it or dont like it, I really liked it

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Just finished watching 12 Years a Slave and it's incredible, best film I've seen in ages, easily the best film I've seen this year, tops Wolf of Wall Street and American Hustle in my opinion. Have tissues at the ready if you watch it though, the last scene brought on the man tears.

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Hmmm, I didn't like it.. I mean it was well written, cast, acted and all that, but I felt it was more a 'slavery was bad' film. And I'm pretty sure we all know that already.

The new 300, on a par with the first.

yea, that movie was aimed for the americans, to show them, that yeah, 100 years ago things were ugly there

Does series count?

Archer is amazing, delivers a good quality most of the time, Adventure time is rather interesting, when I am tired it is good though

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