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Watched Chronicle last night, Chronicles? Chronicle? The one where the kids get super powers and he pushes that car off the road with his mind. Was alright. Bit of a letdown, odd story progression.

This film annoyed me so much its unreal. Overall the films a good idea! but after 2 mins i hated andrew with an almighty passion! When anything happened to him all i could think is YOU PUSSY, man the fark up! I physically want to stab him for ruining such a potentially good film. "hurrinhihh on no my dads beating me though i have insanely mad superpowers muhhh" get a better disguise than a fire suite ffs and rob a bank, then move away sorted, one of many possibilities. But one thing i did notice, was that they were also invulnerable for one scene, the stabbing the fork into his hand, but it seems that got forgotten about.

Rant over.

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But one thing i did notice, was that they were also invulnerable for one scene, the stabbing the fork into his hand, but it seems that got forgotten about.

I think he was a bit busy to be focussing on everything when he isn't invunerable, so that's why it worked then and not before. I mostly agree with you though, film had potential and I still liked it but could have been a lot better.

Can't wait till the Amazing Spider-man. Spider-man over batman any day

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  • 2 weeks later...

Attack the Block

My most hated of all films ever. My girlfriend loved it, laughing constantly throughout, whilst I sat there in quiet contempt. Awful.

Watched all the X-Men films recently, First Class is awesome, enjoyed The Last Stand as well.

This Means War is alright, enjoyed RED, Helen Mirren is a boss, Get Smart's fairly good, thought Captain America was pretty good too.

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I'm not a fan of Attack The Block, from the moment the lads mugged that woman at the start I spent the rest of the film hoping they'd all get killed the c***s.

Watched 24 Hour Party People yesterday, as a guy from the North West who's well into his early nineties music and the rave scene I thoroughly enjoyed. Still remember feeling gutted when the Hacienda got shutdown knowing I'd never get to go there.

Also watched 21 Jump Street the other day, so so funny.

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I don't know if this thread is discussing films or what.. Anyway,

So I have to choose from

21 jump street, chronicle, american pie - wedding or drive if I can find it, I know I have it just haven't a clue where...

EDIT - And Scott pilgrim vs the world? Which one?

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Watched the amazing spider-man the other day. T'was actually pretty good! Far better than the Toby Maguire trilogy but that isn't asking much of it...

Got a ticket pre ordered for The Dark Knight Rises for Friday. Never been this excited for a film before.

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