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Xbox 360 Not Reading Discs


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Hi just thought id ask you guys if you could lend a hand with this, basically my xbox 360 wont read discs it started with call of duty then would play other games and all dvds, now it wont read anything and on the xbox home page just shows up as reading then states open tray etc.

the xbox has had a few knocks and is fairly old but has been fine always up until recently.

Are them lens cleaning discs worth a go?

also tried on the microsoft website, tried clearing cache, removing hard drive etc cleaniong discs etc , even tried barand new discs with no luck.

feeling quite lost at uni without call of duty, somoeone shine some light please.

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My cousin JUST fixed this problem, if the warranty is gone then open your xbox up and clean the lens with a cotton bud.

His problem was only a little bit of dirt on the lens it could be the same for you.

There are a few annoying clips to get into it but its not that hard.

Hope this helps.

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You are f*cked! The DVD drive is gone and Microsoft encode all there hardware so you can't just put a new one in without expert knowledge.

I know people who have done it, and they're not experts at all. In fact, they're quite inbred.

There are guides online showing you step by step how to do it. :)

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I've been reading up a lot about the 360 lately, and the problems with them is just crazy. So many people have problems with them.

I'd certainly say the PS3 is better, after owning one. But you can't beat the online play with the xbox. The ps3's online platform was perfectly fine for me, it was free and worked without any problems, really fast finding games etc. But the way 80% of people I know have an xbox, I'd rather have the xbox just so I can play online with my mates.

I'm looking at some of the latest jasper consoles. basically it stops the console over heating and uses a lot less power, which will stop the rrod on them. Hopefully Microsoft have sorted themselves out after 4/5 years of pretty shoddy service. I don't know anyone who's xbox hasn't been sent back. It's a joke. But a 3 year warranty on newer consoles and the updated chip set i'll give it go now.

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