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Snapped Ligaments

Joe O'Connor

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I had a 'suspected' torn ligament in my right ankle many years ago when I rode motorcycle trials. I came back home to notice my ankle bruised and swollen (toes turned black too).

I went to the hospital for an x-ray and they put it down to a damaged/torn ligament. Although mine wasn't terribily painful, it healed in about 2 weeks and I was back to riding.

Just take it easy and don't try to push yourself beyond what you can do with it - afterall the quicker you try and push it, the more damage you'll end up doing to yourself.

Light excercise to keep it active and just take it easy :)

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I did. Rolled my right ankle and f**ked shit up!

If you look around online, you'll find some little exercises and stuff to do - just stick with them. I just did mine when I was lying in bed in the morning and at night, and they helped me regain full movement. I also made sure I wore a 661 Pro Race Ankle Brace as soon as I started riding again, and kept wearing it for a few months after it felt like I'd healed just to make sure. Don't keep wearing one though 'cos it'll never get back to full strength because it's always being supported. Pound the Ibuprofen too!

So yeah: a good ankle brace (something with laces and straps is ideal), ibuprofen and exercises.

I was riding again after 2 weeks or so, but just really gentle stuff. If I dipped my heel at all it hurt 'cos the swelling was all on the top/top right of my ankle, so it was sort of restricting my movement.

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Sweet, its good to know I havent stuffed things up haha.

Its a smaller one on top of the ankle, the person who checked it out could slide my foot up while holding my leg still! :sick:

Yeah I have some exercises to do and stuff.

Really the gayest part about it is that Parachute Festival is on in a week and I cant go crazy in the Thrash pits for all the metal bands!

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I tore a ligament in my hamstring once. Forget riding, getting up and down the stairs was a pain the ass (well for the first few days). Even driving was sketchy. Took about 2 weeks to fully heal.

torn ligaments take months to heal,ot two weeks lol.

you pulled some maybe

hamstrings are muscles so that makes no sense to say youve torn ligaments in your hamstring lol

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just a word of advice, if you partially tear or fully tear any ligaments and dont completely rest them (as in, no walking on it what so ever) for at least 4 weeks then theyll be f**ked for life, build up of scare tissue and theyll be weak as f**k.

also whats known as ankle instability or something.

which really sucks

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1st of march london ride, i rolled my ankle really badly it made a lovely cracking sound. :|

But carried on riding.

Then on the train home it managed to start swelling up then.

Hospital said i just pulled a ligament or something.

Long time ago now.

Just really dodgy ankles in the morning because done this twice.

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Anterior fibular ligament in my left foot and pretty much everything apart from my Achilles in my right. Was in a cast for 7 weeks for the right foot. That was 18 months ago and i still get pain from both of them now. In fact i'm sat here now after a 2.5hour ride having to stretch it out because it's going stiff and hurts a lot. Plenty of movement that shouldn't be there in both ankles too. Get a decent physio, get some well thought out exercises particular to your injury and keep at them. Speak to Rich Pearson about ankle injuries he's had worse than me. We're off to see the physio this weekend, same one Andrei Burton, Carlez Diaz and lots of other top end riders use. Simon Lord, top bloke, awesome physio.

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Anterior fibular ligament in my left foot and pretty much everything apart from my Achilles in my right. Was in a cast for 7 weeks for the right foot. That was 18 months ago and i still get pain from both of them now. In fact i'm sat here now after a 2.5hour ride having to stretch it out because it's going stiff and hurts a lot. Plenty of movement that shouldn't be there in both ankles too. Get a decent physio, get some well thought out exercises particular to your injury and keep at them. Speak to Rich Pearson about ankle injuries he's had worse than me. We're off to see the physio this weekend, same one Andrei Burton, Carlez Diaz and lots of other top end riders use. Simon Lord, top bloke, awesome physio.

yea he helped me out mine, hes ace!

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